
A. Hoffmann, H. Hoffmann, und J. M. Leimeister. Nutzerintegration in die Anforderungserhebung für Ubiquitous Computing Systeme. Workshop über Selbstorganisierende, adaptive, kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme (SAKS 2010). Electronic Communications of the EASST, 27:9, European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST), Berlin, Germany, 2010. [PUMA: Anforderungserhebung Computing Design Engineering Entwicklung Requirements Ubiquitous User-Centered VENUS_Winfo itegpub myown nutzergetriebene pub_aho pub_hho pub_jml] URL

I. Blohm, F. Ott, U. Bretschneider, M. Huber, M. Rieger, F. Glatz, M. Koch, J. M. Leimeister, und H. Krcmar. Extending Open Innovation Platforms into the real world - Using Large Displays in Public Spaces. 10. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2010, 10Rome, Italy, 2010. [PUMA: IdeaMirror collaborative community computing evaluation filtering idea innovation itegpub myown open pub_jml pub_ubr support ubiquitous] URL