Joachims, T.; Granka, L.; Pan, B.; Hembrooke, H.; Radlinski, F. & Gay, G. (2007): Evaluating the accuracy of implicit feedback from clicks and query reformulations in Web search. In: ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., Ausgabe/Number: 2, Vol. 25, Verlag/Publisher: ACM. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2007. Seiten/Pages: 7. [Volltext] [Kurzfassung] [BibTeX] [Endnote]


Joachims, T.; Granka, L.; Pan, B.; Hembrooke, H. & Gay, G. (2005): Accurately interpreting clickthrough data as implicit feedback. In: Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, New York, NY, USA. [Volltext]  [Kurzfassung] [BibTeX][Endnote]

Joachims, T.; Granka, L.; Pan, B.; Hembrooke, H. & Gay, G. (2005): Accurately interpreting clickthrough data as implicit feedback. In: SIGIR '05: Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, New York, NY, USA. [Volltext]  [Kurzfassung] [BibTeX][Endnote]