@Inproceedings{AL:09, author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Lemmerich, Florian}, title = {Fast Subgroup Discovery for Continuous Target Concepts}, year = {2009}, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Inproceedings{ABP:06, author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Baumeister, Joachim and Puppe, Frank}, title = {Introspective Subgroup Analysis for Interactive Knowledge Refinement}, year = {2006}, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Inproceedings{AP:06, author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Puppe, Frank}, title = {SD-Map - A Fast Algorithm for Exhaustive Subgroup Discovery.}, year = {2006}, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Article{AP:05, author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Puppe, Frank}, title = {Semi-Automatic Visual Subgroup Mining using VIKAMINE}, journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, year = {2005}, number = {11}, url = {}, const = {\ text} }