Article (jaeschke08discovering)
Jäschke, R.; Hotho, A.; Schmitz, C.; Ganter, B. & Stumme, G.
Discovering Shared Conceptualizations in Folksonomies
Journal of Web Semantics, 2008, 6, 38-53


Inproceedings (jaeschke06trias)
Jäschke, R.; Hotho, A.; Schmitz, C.; Ganter, B. & Stumme, G.
TRIAS - An Algorithm for Mining Iceberg Tri-Lattices
IEEE Computer Society, 2006, 907-911


Inbook (lakhal2005efficient)
Lakhal, L. & Stumme, G.
Ganter, B.; Stumme, G. & Wille, R. (ed.)
Efficient Mining of Association Rules Based on Formal Concept Analysis
Springer, 2005, 3626, 180-195

Article (pasquier2005generating)
Pasquier, N.; Taouil, R.; Bastide, Y.; Stumme, G. & Lakhal, L.
Generating a Condensed Representation for Association Rules
Journal Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005, 24, 29-60


Inproceedings (stumme2004iceberg)
Stumme, G.
Wolff, K. E.; Pfeiffer, H. D. & Delugach, H. S. (ed.)
Iceberg Query Lattices for Datalog
Springer, 2004, 3127, 109-125