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Welzer, H.
Mentale Infrastrukturen: Wie das Wachstum in die Welt und in die Seelen kam
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Incollection (overbeek2000a)
Overbeek, H. W.
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Transnational historical materialism. Theories of transnational class formation and world order
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Overbeek, H. W.
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Transnational historical materialism. Theories of transnational class formation and world order
2000, 168-183


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Restructuring Hegemony in The Global Political Economy: the Rise of Transnational Neo-Liberalism in the 1980s
Routledge, 1993


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Overbeek, H. W.
Global Capitalism and National Decline. The Thatcher Decade in Perspective
Unwin Hyman, 1990


Book (Marx1957)
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Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1957