Article (hereth03conceptual)
Hereth, J.; Stumme, G.; Wille, R. & Wille, U.
Conceptual Knowledge Discovery - a Human-Centered Approach
Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI), 2003, 17, 281-301

Article (song2010limits)
Song, C.; Qu, Z.; Blumm, N. & Barabási, A.-L.
Limits of Predictability in Human Mobility
Science, 2010, 327, 1018-1021

Inproceedings (SAS:12)
Scholz, C.; Atzmueller, M. & Stumme, G.
On the Predictability of Human Contacts: Influence Factors and the Strength of Stronger Ties
IEEE Computer Society, 2012

Inproceedings (Scholz:2012:PHC:2411131.2411662)
Scholz, C.; Atzmueller, M. & Stumme, G.
On the Predictability of Human Contacts: Influence Factors and the Strength of Stronger Ties
IEEE Computer Society, 2012, 312-321

Inproceedings (jaschke2013attribute)
Jäschke, R. & Rudolph, S.
Cellier, P.; Distel, F. & Ganter, B. (ed.)
Attribute Exploration on the Web
2013, 19-34