Inproceedings (kluegl2012stacked)
Klügl, P.; Toepfer, M.; Lemmerich, F.; Hotho, A. & Puppe, F.
Carmona, P. L.; Sánchez, J. S. & Fred, A. (ed.)
Stacked Conditional Random Fields Exploiting Structural Consistencies
SciTePress, 2012, 240-248

Inproceedings (toepfer2011segmentation)
Toepfer, M.; Kluegl, P.; Hotho, A. & Puppe, F.
Segmentation of References with Skip-Chain Conditional Random Fields for Consistent Label Transitions

Misc (Sutton2010)
Sutton, C. & McCallum, A.
An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields