Inproceedings (stumme01intelligent)
Stumme, G.; Taouil, R.; Bastide, Y.; Pasquier, N. & Lakhal, L.
Baader, F.; Brewker, G. & Eiter, T. (ed.)
Intelligent Structuring and Reducing of Association Rules and with Formal Concept Analysis
Springer, 2001, 2174, 335-350

Inproceedings (bastide00levelwise)
Bastide, Y.; Taouil, R.; Pasquier, N.; Stumme, G. & Lakhal, L.
Levelwise Search of Frequent Patterns
Blois, 2000, 307-322

Article (bastide00miningfrequent)
Bastide, Y.; Taouil, R.; Pasquier, N.; Stumme, G. & Lakhal, L.
Mining Frequent Patterns with Counting Inference.
SIGKDD Explorations, Special Issue on Scalable Algorithms, 2000, 2, 71-80

Inproceedings (bastide00miningminimal)
Bastide, Y.; Pasquier, N.; Taouil, R.; Stumme, G. & Lakhal, L.
Lloyd, J.; Dahl, V.; Furbach, U.; Kerber, M.; Laus, K.-K.; Palamidessi, C.; Pereira, L.; Sagiv, Y. & Stuckey, P. (ed.)
Mining Minimal Non-Redundant Association Rules Using Frequent Closed Itemsets
Springer, 2000, 1861