Artikel in Tagungsbänden

Detecting Commmunities via Simultaneous Clustering of Graphs and Folksonomies.
In: WebKDD 2008 Workshop on Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis. 2008. To Appear
Akshay Java, Anupam Joshi und Tim Finin.
Tag recommendations based on tensor dimensionality reduction.
In: RecSys '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems, Seiten 43-50. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2008.
Panagiotis Symeonidis, Alexandros Nanopoulos und Yannis Manolopoulos.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 
Evolutionary spectral clustering by incorporating temporal smoothness..
In: P. Berkhin, R. Caruana und X. Wu (Herausgeber): KDD, Seiten 153-162. ACM, 2007.
Yun Chi, Xiaodan Song, Dengyong Zhou, Koji Hino und Belle L. Tseng.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 
Community detection in large-scale social networks.
In: WebKDD/SNA-KDD '07: Proceedings of the 9th WebKDD and 1st SNA-KDD 2007 workshop on Web mining and social network analysis, Seiten 16-25. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2007.
Nan Du, Bin Wu, Xin Pei, Bai Wang und Liutong Xu.
[doi]  [Kurzfassung]  [BibTeX] 
Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmark Sites.
In: A. Hinneburg (Herausgeber): Workshop Proceedings of Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität (LWA 2007), Seiten 50-54. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2007.
Miranda Grahl, Andreas Hotho und Gerd Stumme.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 
Automated Tag Clustering: Improving search and exploration in the tag space.
In: Proceedings of the WWW 2006 Workshop on Collaborative Web Tagging Workshop. Edinburgh, 2006.
Grigory Begelman, Philipp Keller und Frank Smadja.
[doi] [pdf]  [BibTeX] 

Artikel in Zeitschriften

Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices.
Physical Review E, 74(3):36104, 2006.
MEJ Newman.

Artikel in Tagungsbänden

Inducing Ontology from Flickr Tags.
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaborative Tagging at WWW2006. Edinburgh, Scotland, 2006.
Patrick Schmitz.
[doi] [pdf]  [Kurzfassung]  [BibTeX] 

Artikel in Zeitschriften

Comparing community structure identification.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 9:P09008, 2005.
L. Danon, A. Diaz-Guilera, J. Duch und A. Arenas.
Finding and evaluating community structure in networks.
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 69(2):026113.1-15, 2004.
M E Newman und M Girvan.
[doi]  [Kurzfassung]  [BibTeX] 
Detecting community structure in networks.
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter, 38(2):321-330, 2004.
MEJ Newman.
Identification of clusters in the Web graph based on link topology.
Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh International: 123-128, 2003.
Xiaodi Huang und Wei Lai.
Self-organization and identification of Web communities.
Computer, 35(3):66-70, 2002.
GW Flake, S. Lawrence, CL Giles und FM Coetzee.

Artikel in Tagungsbänden

Co-clustering documents and words using bipartite spectral graph partitioning.
In: KDD '01: Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, Seiten 269-274. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2001.
Inderjit S. Dhillon.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 
Constrained K-means Clustering with Background Knowledge..
In: C. E. Brodley und A. P. Danyluk (Herausgeber): ICML, Seiten 577-584. Morgan Kaufmann, 2001.
Kiri Wagstaff, Claire Cardie, Seth Rogers und Stefan Schrödl.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 
Efficient identification of Web communities.
In: KDD '00: Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, Seiten 150-160. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2000.
Gary William Flake, Steve Lawrence und C. Lee Giles.
Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation..
In: CVPR, Seiten 731-737. 1997.
Jianbo Shi und Jitendra Malik.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 

Artikel in Zeitschriften

Using Linear Algebra for Intelligent Information Retrieval.
SIAM REVIEW, 37:573-595, 1995.
M.W. Berry, S.T. Dumais und G.W. O'Brien.
Spectral K-way ratio-cut partitioning and clustering..
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 13(9):1088-1096, 1994.
Pak K. Chan, Martine D. F. Schlag und Jason Y. Zien.
[doi]  [BibTeX] 
Algebraic connectivity of graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 23(98):298-305, 1973.
M. Fiedler.