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Haase, Peter and Ehrig, Marc and Hotho, Andreas and Schnizler, Björn. Personalized Information Access in a Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System. Peer-to-Peer and SemanticWeb, Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information. editor(s) Staab, Steffen and Stuckenschmidt, Heiner. 143--158, Springer , Year 2006.
Hoser, Bettina and Hotho, Andreas and Jäschke, Robert and Schmitz, Christoph and Stumme, Gerd. Semantic Network Analysis of Ontologies. Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference. LNCS, (4011) 514-529, Springer, Budva, Montenegro, Year 2006.
Schmitz, Christoph and Hotho, Andreas and Jäschke, Robert and Stumme, Gerd. Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases using Graph Clustering. Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference. LNCS, (4011) 530-544, Springer, Budva, Montenegro, Year 2006.