Mitzlaff, Folke: Name Me If You Can(!) - Leveraging Networks of Given Names. In: Proceedings from Sunbelt XXXIII, 2013
Mitzlaff, Folke ; Stumme, Gerd: Onomastics 2.0 - The Power of Social Co-Occurrences, 2013. - cite arxiv:1303.0484Comment: Historically, this is the first paper on the analysis of names in the context of the name search engine 'nameling'. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1302.4412


Mitzlaff, Folke ; Stumme, Gerd ; Aberer, Karl (Bearb.) ; Flache, Andreas (Bearb.) ; Jager, Wander (Bearb.) ; Liu, Ling (Bearb.) ; Tang, Jie (Bearb.) ; Guéret, Christophe (Bearb.): Namelings - Discover Given Name Relatedness Based on Data from the Social Web.. 7710. In: SocInfo : Springer, 2012 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). - ISBN 978-3-642-35385-7, S. 531-534
Mitzlaff, Folke ; Stumme, Gerd ; Marathe, Madhav (Bearb.) ; Contractor, Noshir (Bearb.): Ranking Given Names. In: Proceedings of the 1st ASE International Conference on Social Informatics : IEEE computer society, 2012, S. 185-191