The Use of Twitter to Track Levels of Disease Activity and Public Concern in the U.S. during the Influenza A H1N1 Pandemic
Signorini, A.; Segre, A. M. & Polgreen, P. M.
PLoS ONE, 6(5) e19467 (2011) [pdf]
<p>Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its millions of users to send and read each other's “tweets,” or short, 140-character messages. The service has more than 190 million registered users and processes about 55 million tweets per day. Useful information about news and geopolitical events lies embedded in the Twitter stream, which embodies, in the aggregate, Twitter users' perspectives and reactions to current events. By virtue of sheer volume, content embedded in the Twitter stream may be useful for tracking or even forecasting behavior if it can be extracted in an efficient manner. In this study, we examine the use of information embedded in the Twitter stream to (1) track rapidly-evolving public sentiment with respect to H1N1 or swine flu, and (2) track and measure actual disease activity. We also show that Twitter can be used as a measure of public interest or concern about health-related events. Our results show that estimates of influenza-like illness derived from Twitter chatter accurately track reported disease levels.</p>
PBN: towards practical activity recognition using smartphone-based body sensor networks
Keally, M.; Zhou, G.; Xing, G.; Wu, J. & Pyles, A.
, 'Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems', SenSys '11, ACM, New York, NY, USA, [10.1145/2070942.2070968], 246-259 (2011) [pdf]
The vast array of small wireless sensors is a boon to body sensor network applications, especially in the context awareness and activity recognition arena. However, most activity recognition deployments and applications are challenged to provide personal control and practical functionality for everyday use. We argue that activity recognition for mobile devices must meet several goals in order to provide a practical solution: user friendly hardware and software, accurate and efficient classification, and reduced reliance on ground truth. To meet these challenges, we present PBN: Practical Body Networking. Through the unification of TinyOS motes and Android smartphones, we combine the sensing power of on-body wireless sensors with the additional sensing power, computational resources, and user-friendly interface of an Android smartphone. We provide an accurate and efficient classification approach through the use of ensemble learning. We explore the properties of different sensors and sensor data to further improve classification efficiency and reduce reliance on user annotated ground truth. We evaluate our PBN system with multiple subjects over a two week period and demonstrate that the system is easy to use, accurate, and appropriate for mobile devices.