Some Experimental Results on Randomly Generating Formal Contexts.
Borchmann, D. & Hanika, T.
Huchard, M. & Kuznetsov, S., ed., 'CLA', 1624(), CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 57-69 (2016) [pdf]
On the issues with decentralized autonomous organizations
Strobl, M.
2016 [pdf]
The recent launch of the Ethereum blockchain platform has triggered the interest in the decentralized
tonomous organizations (DAOs). DAOs aim to become businesses residing on the blockchain, investing
eir funds obtained through initial token offerings. These tokens entitle the owner to vote on investment
d management decisions of the DAO and to obtain eventual dividend. In this paper, I discuss
veral issues that stem from the organizational design of the DAO, that can potentially lead to DAO’s
ganizational and functional breakdown. While some originate in the voting mechanism itself, other
erge through the misalignment of interest between the DAO and the project or service provider. I also
scuss the impact on the token price and a bit of a legal perspective on the matter.
Abschied vom Otto Normalverbraucher moderne Verbraucherforschung: Leitbilder, Informationen, Konsum und Demokratie
2015, Bala, C. & Müller, K., ed., Klartext-Verl., Essen [pdf]
Vergleich von Sortieralgorithmen
Basler, C.
Vergleich von Sortieralgorithmen
Beer, G.
, 1 -13(2014)
Es gibt viele verschiedene Sortieralgorithmen, die
le unterschiedliche Laufzeiten und unterschiedlichen Speicherplatz benotigen.
ur diese Arbeit wurden die drei Sortieralgorithmen InsertionSort, BubbleSort
d Quicksort ausgesucht, um sie auf Laufzeit und Speicherplatz
teinander zu vergleichen. Auf den nachsten Seiten folgt ein kleiner
berblick uber Sortieralgorithmen im Allgemeinen. Danach werden
e drei Sortierverfahren vorgestellt und durch Experimente miteinander
rglichen. Als Ergebnis bleibt festzuhalten, dass InsertionSort und
bbleSort bei (fast) sortierten Folgen eine bessere Laufzeit als QuickSort besitzen. Ansonsten erweist sich aber QuickSort als das schnellste
Comparing Sorting Algorithms for Sorted and Unsorted Input
Berndt, M.
, Maximilian Berndt, ed. ,(2014)
Bastian Heuser gelesen von Christoph Basler
Heuser, B.
Sorting Algorithms - Comparison of Shell-, Merge- and Quicksort
Heuser, B.
, 12(2014)
Our amounts of data are growing rapidly, but we need to keep them in order. Resultingly one frequent issue is sorting this data. There are many sorting algorithms out there, which differ in their functionallity, stability, performance and space complexity. In this paper you will get to know three methods named Shell-, Merge- and Quicksort. Their special characteristics are explained and which to use when.
Sorting Algorithms - Comparison of Shell-, Merge- and Quicksort (2nd ed.)
Heuser, B.
, 12(2014)
Our amounts of data are growing rapidly, but we need to keep them in order. Resultingly one frequent issue is sorting this data. There are many sorting algorithms out there, which differ in their functionallity, stability, performance and space complexity. In this paper you will get to know three methods named Shell-, Merge- and Quicksort. Their special characteristics are explained and which to use when.
Laufzeitvergleich von Vergleichsbasierten Sortieralgorithmen auf Sortieren und Unsortierten Datensätzen
Hruschka, B.
, Benedikt Hruschka, ed. ,(2014)
Vergleich von Sortieralgorithmen
Bauer, P.
Vergleich von Sortiertverfahren
Böttger, S.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist der Vergleich der Sortierverfahren Radixsort,
rgesort und Quicksort. Alle drei Algorithmen werden zunächst ausführlich
rgestellt und ihre Funktionsweise erläutert. Dabei wird die Komplexität
d das resultierende Laufzeitverhalten theoretisch betrachtet und
e daraus entstehenden Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. In einem Versuch
rden zudem alle drei Algorithmen unter realen Bedingungen auf einem
mputer getestet, um die theoretischen Betrachtungen zu untermauern.
Vergleiche von Sortieralgorithmen
Herwig, S.
Vergleich von Sortierverfahren
Iske, A.
In dieser Arbeit werden die drei vergleichsbasierten
rtierverfahren BubbleSort, InsertionSort und QuickSort hinsichtlich
rer Laufzeit miteinander verglichen. Die Verfahren werden zunachst
rgestellt und ihre Funktionsweise erklart. Anschlieend werden mittels
nes Java-Frameworks die Vergleichs- und Tauschoperationen fur
rschiedene Problemgroen experimentell ermittelt und analysiert.
Marx und die Philosophie : wissenschaftlicher Realismus, ethischer Perfektionismus und kritische Sozialtheorie
Lindner, U.
2013 [pdf]
Analysis of asymptotically optimal comparison-based Sorting Algorithms
Löbig, T.
Vergleich von Sortieralgorithmen
Merz, M.
Laufzeitanalyse vergleichsbasierter Sortieralgorithmen
Thiele, M.
Tagsplanations: explaining recommendations using tags
Vig, J.; Sen, S. & Riedl, J.
, 'IUI '09: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces', ACM, New York, NY, USA, [10.1145/1502650.1502661], 47-56 (2009) [pdf]
While recommender systems tell users what items they might like, explanations of recommendations reveal why they might like them. Explanations provide many benefits, from improving user satisfaction to helping users make better decisions. This paper introduces tagsplanations, which are explanations based on community tags. Tagsplanations have two key components: tag relevance, the degree to which a tag describes an item, and tag preference, the user's sentiment toward a tag. We develop novel algorithms for estimating tag relevance and tag preference, and we conduct a user study exploring the roles of tag relevance and tag preference in promoting effective tagsplanations. We also examine which types of tags are most useful for tagsplanations.
Why we tag: motivations for annotation in mobile and online media
Ames, M. & Naaman, M.
, 'Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems', CHI '07, ACM, New York, NY, USA, [10.1145/1240624.1240772], 971-980 (2007) [pdf]
Why do people tag? Users have mostly avoided annotating media such as photos -- both in desktop and mobile environments -- despite the many potential uses for annotations, including recall and retrieval. We investigate the incentives for annotation in Flickr, a popular web-based photo-sharing system, and ZoneTag, a cameraphone photo capture and annotation tool that uploads images to Flickr. In Flickr, annotation (as textual tags) serves both personal and social purposes, increasing incentives for tagging and resulting in a relatively high number of annotations. ZoneTag, in turn, makes it easier to tag cameraphone photos that are uploaded to Flickr by allowing annotation and suggesting relevant tags immediately after capture.</p> <p>A qualitative study of ZoneTag/Flickr users exposed various tagging patterns and emerging motivations for photo annotation. We offer a taxonomy of motivations for annotation in this system along two dimensions (sociality and function), and explore the various factors that people consider when tagging their photos. Our findings suggest implications for the design of digital photo organization and sharing applications, as well as other applications that incorporate user-based annotation.