@electronic{www.elastic.co, title = {Elasticsearch-PHP}, url = {https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/php-api/current/index.html}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/efc5d55541ee6406ae021cce28cbb87e/seboettg}, keywords = {development elasticsearch php search}, added-at = {2015-11-16T10:41:19.000+0100}, description = {This is the official PHP client for Elasticsearch. It is designed to be a very low-level client that does not stray from the REST API. All methods closely match the REST API, and furthermore, match the method structure of other language clients (ruby, python, etc). We hope that this consistency makes it easy to get started with a client, and to seamlessly switch from one language to the next with minimal effort.}, interhash = {efc5d55541ee6406ae021cce28cbb87e}, intrahash = {efc5d55541ee6406ae021cce28cbb87e} } @electronic{elastica.io, title = {Elastica - Elastica}, url = {http://elastica.io}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0fc5c1ab43113978820ab83e592daf57/seboettg}, keywords = {development elasticsearch php search}, added-at = {2015-11-16T10:38:05.000+0100}, description = {Elastica - PHP client for elasticsearch}, interhash = {0fc5c1ab43113978820ab83e592daf57}, intrahash = {0fc5c1ab43113978820ab83e592daf57} } @electronic{blog.cedric-ziel.com, title = {Use composer to quickly initialize your TYPO3 projects - Cedric Ziel}, url = {http://blog.cedric-ziel.com/articles/creating-a-typo3-installation-by-composer/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/62f73221bc4750b553046757f9c1caf7/seboettg}, keywords = {composer development php typo3}, added-at = {2015-06-25T09:26:37.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {62f73221bc4750b553046757f9c1caf7}, intrahash = {62f73221bc4750b553046757f9c1caf7} } @electronic{www.typoblog.de, title = {Extension-Entwicklung mit TYPO3 Extbase & Fluid: Teil 2}, url = {http://www.typoblog.de/extension-entwicklung-mit-extbase-fluid-teil-2/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/e4276675d961ef87a5d019b4fe91de1a/seboettg}, keywords = {development extbase fluid php phpstorm typo3 typo3-6.2}, added-at = {2015-06-25T09:24:11.000+0200}, description = {Anja Leichsenring hat im typoblog eine Blogreihe zum Thema "Extension-Entwicklung mit TYPO3 Extbase & Fluid" gestartet – eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung für die Praxis. Der 2. Teil geht auf das Grundgerüst ein und beschreibt, wie eine Extension angelegt wird.}, interhash = {e4276675d961ef87a5d019b4fe91de1a}, intrahash = {e4276675d961ef87a5d019b4fe91de1a} } @electronic{www.typoblog.de, title = {Extension-Entwicklung mit TYPO3 Extbase & Fluid | Teil 1 |typoblog}, url = {http://www.typoblog.de/extension-entwicklung-mit-extbase-fluid-teil-1/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0be130c97f1b115f56dbcb43e703f5b5/seboettg}, keywords = {development extbase extension fluid php typo3 typo3-6.2}, added-at = {2015-06-25T09:22:51.000+0200}, description = {Wir freuen uns, mit diesem Beitrag den Startschuss für eine Artikelserie zum Thema Extension-Entwicklung auf Basis von Extbase und Fluid ...}, interhash = {0be130c97f1b115f56dbcb43e703f5b5}, intrahash = {0be130c97f1b115f56dbcb43e703f5b5} } @electronic{t3n.de, title = {TYPO3-Migration: Mit diesen Umzugshelfern klappt der Umstieg auf Version 6.2 » t3n}, url = {http://t3n.de/magazin/typo3-migration-version-62-umzugshelfer-234673/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0ac3be54df1ac3f4700dcae4472513ce/seboettg}, keywords = {development extension php typo3}, added-at = {2014-03-26T10:36:48.000+0100}, description = {Hollywood würde es wohl einen Blockbuster nennen, was auf die CMS-Welt Mitte Dezember dieses Jahres zukommt. Denn TYPO3 6.2 löst die ...}, interhash = {0ac3be54df1ac3f4700dcae4472513ce}, intrahash = {0ac3be54df1ac3f4700dcae4472513ce} }