@electronic{thinkrpi.wordpress.com, title = {OpenCV and Pi Camera Board ! | Think RPI}, url = {http://thinkrpi.wordpress.com/2013/05/22/opencv-and-camera-board-csi/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/236c132177b2bdb2f4fd1b3545f17271/seboettg}, keywords = {face-recognition image-recognition opencv raspberrypi recognition rpi}, added-at = {2014-06-21T13:02:44.000+0200}, description = {Congratulation !, you've got your new rasperry pi camera ! Isn't-it cute ? But after first try, you discover that it's not an usb-webcam. :-( Thus, OpenCV doesn't work natively. (forget cvCaptureFromCAM for example and all your wonderful apps you've thought up !) However, some nice apps (such as raspivid or raspistill) controls  the pi…}, interhash = {236c132177b2bdb2f4fd1b3545f17271}, intrahash = {236c132177b2bdb2f4fd1b3545f17271} }