@electronic{java.dzone.com, title = {WizTools.org RESTClient 2.1—Getting Started | Javalobby}, url = {http://java.dzone.com/announcements/wiztoolsorg-restclient-21-rele}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/4e8ee15d77882e42e84ce07508d34d3b/benz}, keywords = {api java rest rest-client tool tutorial}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:45.000+0100}, description = {WizTools.org RESTClient is a Java Swing application for testing RESTful web services. It might be used for testing other HTTP communications too. This is a short introduction of this tool explaining its various features.}, interhash = {4e8ee15d77882e42e84ce07508d34d3b}, intrahash = {4e8ee15d77882e42e84ce07508d34d3b} }