@electronic{www.seals-project.eu, title = {SEALS EU infrastructures project - semantic tool benchmarking}, url = {http://www.seals-project.eu/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/b69f762558d006c4c0a7273e1824b10a/benz}, keywords = {evaluation ontologies ontology_learning seals}, added-at = {2011-02-04T16:07:28.000+0100}, description = {The SEALS Community is a worldwide group of individuals and organizations interested in the evaluation of semantic technologies.This community will give semantic tool researchers, vendors and users the opportunity to participate in tool evaluations, as well as find and exchange evaluation opinions, materials and results that support their technology evaluation and selection activities.}, interhash = {b69f762558d006c4c0a7273e1824b10a}, intrahash = {b69f762558d006c4c0a7273e1824b10a} }