@electronic{webdatacommons.org, title = {WDC - Hyperlink Graph}, url = {http://webdatacommons.org/hyperlinkgraph/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0086d4201eb0d279e10a98a39503e9b2/hotho}, keywords = {dataset graph hyperlink web}, added-at = {2013-11-13T10:36:31.000+0100}, description = {This page provides a large hyperlink graph for public download. The graph has been extracted from the Common Crawl 2012 web corpus and covers 3.5 billion web pages and 128 billion hyperlinks between these pages. To the best of our knowledge, this graph is the largest hyperlink graph that is available to the public outside companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. Below we provide instructions on how to download the graph as well as basic statistics about its topology. }, interhash = {0086d4201eb0d279e10a98a39503e9b2}, intrahash = {0086d4201eb0d279e10a98a39503e9b2} } @electronic{www2007.org, title = {WWW2007 Paper Details}, url = {http://www2007.org/program/paper.php?id=551}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/951d4f453c5d38e769a86859b310d598/hotho}, keywords = {graph learning web}, added-at = {2007-05-10T00:34:39.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {951d4f453c5d38e769a86859b310d598}, intrahash = {951d4f453c5d38e769a86859b310d598} } @electronic{comwatch.iit.cnr.it, title = {Web community finder}, url = {http://comwatch.iit.cnr.it/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/f518984080d0a3fe95fa50d2e231f6d5/hotho}, keywords = {2007 clustering community graph web www}, added-at = {2007-05-10T00:17:21.000+0200}, description = {}, interhash = {f518984080d0a3fe95fa50d2e231f6d5}, intrahash = {f518984080d0a3fe95fa50d2e231f6d5} } @electronic{www.gliffy.com, title = {Gliffy.com - Create and share diagrams online.}, url = {http://www.gliffy.com/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/0a6a912553d3b1d64eb2d296b12d1bbf/hotho}, keywords = {2.0 diagram graph tools visualization web}, added-at = {2007-04-30T09:53:51.000+0200}, description = {Online-Applikation zur Erstellung von Grafiekn und Diagrammen}, interhash = {0a6a912553d3b1d64eb2d296b12d1bbf}, intrahash = {0a6a912553d3b1d64eb2d296b12d1bbf} } @electronic{homer.informatics.indiana.edu, title = {webgraph++}, url = {http://homer.informatics.indiana.edu/~nan/webgraph/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/9606b128d97d75d30f343514df5acdc0/hotho}, keywords = {web java graph library c++}, added-at = {2007-01-28T16:16:47.000+0100}, description = {This software is a translation into C++ of the excellent Webgraph library by P. Boldi and S. Vigna. The original library, written in Java, is easy to use but hampered by some requirements of the Java virtual machine. This C++ translation attempts to preserve much of the ease of use (through integration with the Boost Graph Library), but bypass requirements imposed by a virtual machine.}, interhash = {9606b128d97d75d30f343514df5acdc0}, intrahash = {9606b128d97d75d30f343514df5acdc0} }