@electronic{cosm.com, title = {Cosm - Aho's Air Quality Egg}, url = {https://cosm.com/feeds/116247}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/67e04ec286312fb1d1b9b2889c223a3b/hotho}, keywords = {air cosm egg everyaware feed quality}, added-at = {2013-03-18T14:45:57.000+0100}, description = {Test the Box - Cosm}, interhash = {67e04ec286312fb1d1b9b2889c223a3b}, intrahash = {67e04ec286312fb1d1b9b2889c223a3b} } @electronic{airqualityegg.com, title = {Air Quality Egg}, url = {http://airqualityegg.com/egg/116247}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/71c5a1a5714d2dc34471c27bea0eabb5/hotho}, keywords = {air cosm egg everyaware feed kassel quality}, added-at = {2013-03-18T14:43:04.000+0100}, description = {NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 5 CO Carbon Monoxide 7470 Temperature 24 Humidity 26 }, interhash = {71c5a1a5714d2dc34471c27bea0eabb5}, intrahash = {71c5a1a5714d2dc34471c27bea0eabb5} } @electronic{blog.buildinginternetofthings.com, title = {Pattern Recognition for the Air Quality Egg – Part two | Building Internet of Things}, url = {http://blog.buildinginternetofthings.com/2012/04/26/pattern-recognition-for-the-air-quality-egg-part-two/}, biburl = {https://puma.uni-kassel.de/url/edd071d3a6ced4b335ade95b3a074160/hotho}, keywords = {air analysis cosm egg everyaware pachube quality weka}, added-at = {2013-02-28T14:14:19.000+0100}, description = {}, interhash = {edd071d3a6ced4b335ade95b3a074160}, intrahash = {edd071d3a6ced4b335ade95b3a074160} }