
Kommunikation, öffentliche Ordnung und das projektive Selbst: die Bedeutung von Erving Goffmanns Ökologie der sozialen Situation für die Analyse der Moderne / Communication, public order and the projective self : the relevance of Erving Goffman's ecology of the social situation for the analysis of modernity

. (Januar 1989)


Inhalt: 'For Goffman the problems of impression management were always a central object of analysis. In this article the question is posed as to what kinds of implications, theoretical and metatheoretical, are connected with such an analytical interest. Goffman's approach is described as a semiotic ecology of the social situation, which presupposes a special notion of the subject - the 'I' or the 'self'. The important concept of a basic dialectic of interaction is discussed, which is of great significance for the diagnosis of our times with regard to the code of subjectivity which provides the specific modern framework of personality. On the basis of a brief review of some elements of Kant's anthropology, the argument is developed that there is an alternative to the code of subjectivity (which has become generally problematic today) in the form of an evolutionary-constructive communication theory, a theory which is also important for the interpretation of Goffman's work.' (author's abstract)

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