@inproceedings{jaschke2013attribute, abstract = {We propose an approach for supporting attribute exploration by web information retrieval, in particular by posing appropriate queries to search engines, crowd sourcing systems, and the linked open data cloud. We discuss underlying general assumptions for this to work and the degree to which these can be taken for granted.}, author = {Jäschke, Robert and Rudolph, Sebastian}, booktitle = {Contributions to the 11th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis}, editor = {Cellier, Peggy and Distel, Felix and Ganter, Bernhard}, interhash = {000ab7b0ae3ecd1d7d6ceb39de5c11d4}, intrahash = {45e900e280661d775d8da949baee3747}, month = may, organization = {Technische Universität Dresden}, pages = {19--34}, title = {Attribute Exploration on the Web}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-113133}, urn = {urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-113133}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{doerfel2012publication, abstract = {We present an analysis of the publication and citation networks of all previous editions of the three conferences most relevant to the FCA community: ICFCA, ICCS and CLA. Using data mining methods from FCA and graph analysis, we investigate patterns and communities among authors, we identify and visualize influential publications and authors, and we give a statistical summary of the conferences’ history. }, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, author = {Doerfel, Stephan and Jäschke, Robert and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {ICFCA 2012}, editor = {Domenach, F. and Ignatov, D.I. and Poelmans, J.}, interhash = {f34f31e8dd1e07b1b0a5ab688f10084a}, intrahash = {0ac1296af204a499490bf61a48d03e48}, pages = {77--95}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Publication Analysis of the Formal Concept Analysis Community}, url = {https://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/pub/pdf/doerfel2012publication.pdf}, volume = 7278, year = 2012 } @book{ganter99formal, author = {Ganter, B. and Wille, R.}, interhash = {1b0bf49069eadcdfac42e52addf4eb9d}, intrahash = {ee411290ea5b80d257ac115b2738237c}, note = {Translation of: {\it Formale Be\-griffs\-ana\-ly\-se: Mathematische Grundlagen.} Sprin\-ger, Heidelberg 1996.}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Formal Concept Analysis: Mathematical Foundations}, year = 1999 } @article{kent95creating, author = {Kent, Robert E. and Neuss, Christian}, date = {2003-02-14}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0169-7552(95)00095-X}, interhash = {27e8127ff386c35eed428083b7a5c590}, intrahash = {a9f6da98afa14d110a529e515e8f592b}, journal = {Computer Networks and ISDN Systems}, number = {1\&2}, pages = {109-117}, title = {Creating a Web Analysis and Visualization Environment}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/cn/cn28.html#KentN95}, volume = 28, year = 1995 }