@inproceedings{wagner2013hierarchical, address = {Istanbul}, author = {Zulauf, Katrin and Wagner, Ralf and Oswald, Axel Wolfram}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 42nd {EMAC} {C}onference, Lost in Translation: Marketing in an Interconnected World}, interhash = {f97da2b58551824434cebccf781fa7fb}, intrahash = {faa4101ac40462e09277931446e34323}, title = {Hierarchical Bayes Approach for Analyzing the Impact of Labeling on the Country of Origin Effect}, year = {2013 forthcoming} } @inproceedings{zulauf2012power, abstract = {In an experimental investigation, we challenge differences in bargaining power on the success in the domain of retailer-manufacturer negotiations. The power allocations turn out to have a significant impact on negotiation success. In scenarios with substantial differences in bargaining power, particularly female and mixed dyads failed to achieve a mutually satisfactory result. We learn that an increase in bargaining power does not necessarily lead to an increase in negotiation efficiency. Particularly, the paradox of channel power to profitability from manufacturer towards retailers is considered. Keywords: Bargaining power, formal negotiation procedure, gender, issue authority.}, address = {Lissabon}, author = {Zulauf, Katrin and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 41st {EMAC} {C}onference, Marketing to Citizens: Going beyond Customers and Consumers}, interhash = {7948fa04424325624deac55f2b974f82}, intrahash = {898e30140ede9a4ddad2e0a6e5dd96f9}, pages = {1-7}, title = {Power Shift Paradox in Retailer-Manufacturer Negotiations: How to Take Advantage of the Channel Power Shift?}, url = {http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb07/fileadmin/datas/fb07/5-Institute/IBWL/Wagner/Publikationen/EMAC_2012.pdf}, year = 2012 } @inproceedings{PaWaP11a, address = {Berlin}, author = {Parwoll, Moritz and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Challenges at the Interface of Data Analysis, Computer Science, and Optimization}, editor = {et al., Gaul W.}, interhash = {1063c4e43b1289116fae5b33f4c2859a}, intrahash = {f06349a923d10e8d5fce15711a5eb272}, pages = {537-544}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{T}he {I}mpact of {M}issing {V}alues on {PLS} {M}odel {F}itting}, url = {http://ebooks.narotama.ac.id/files/Challenges%20at%20the%20Interface%20of%20Data%20Analysis,%20Computer%20Science,%20and%20Optimization/Chapter%2054%20%20The%20Impact%20of%20Missing%20Values%20on%20PLS%20Model%20Fitting.pdf}, volume = {Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization}, year = 2012 } @inproceedings{WaScP09, address = {Berlin}, author = {Wagner, Ralf and Schwerdtfeger, J\"org}, booktitle = {{O}perations {R}esearch {P}roceedings 2008}, editor = {Fleischmann, Bernhard and Borgwardt, Karl Heinz and Klein, Robert and Tuma, Axel}, interhash = {3e025b2828df89f1619c9d8568b66d54}, intrahash = {9fbba9bb0977707f3a981a55bfc5b33e}, pages = {419 - 424}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{E}nhancing {T}arget {G}roup {S}election {U}sing {B}elief {F}unctions}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{KlScWaP09, address = {Berlin}, author = {Klaus, Martin and Schwerdtfeger, Jörg and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Consumer Citizenship Network: Making a Difference - Putting Consumer Citizenship into Action}, editor = {Schrader, Ulf and Thoresen, Victoria W.}, interhash = {f848fb8d19bc6187082849fd94e06196}, intrahash = {1c37f0729103d6b97b11ecb7bf1fe2f1}, organization = {The Consumer Citizenship Network, an Erasmus thematic network of educators and researchers}, pages = {163 -- 177}, title = {{M}arketing {C}ommunication to and with {N}et {C}itizens: {T}argeting by {M}eans of a {S}ocial {N}etwork {A}nalysis {A}pproach}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{KlScWaP, address = {Nantes}, author = {Klaus, Mart and Schwerdtfeger, J\"org and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Conference, Marketing and the Core Disciplines: Rediscovering References?}, editor = {Helfer, J.-P. and Nicolas, J.-L.}, interhash = {d947f65e29546a8344b8dd0baf2e5a8d}, intrahash = {9c0399cd77918ef73b5cff82898704bc}, title = {{A}ssessing {D}igital {S}ocial {N}etworks for {M}arketing {C}ommunication - {T}he {C}ase of {M}y{S}pace.com}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{KlWaP10, address = {Berlin}, author = {Klaus, Martin and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Classification as a Tool for Research}, editor = {Locarek-Junge, Hermann and Weihs, Claus}, interhash = {4364fb398939df6c53efe27c7eed186e}, intrahash = {0b4fdbf1bdfe625830fa28094c3652e4}, pages = {553-560}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{G}aining '{C}onsumer {I}nsights' from {I}nfluential {A}ctors in {W}eblog {N}etwork}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/u44423kj5t361776/fulltext.pdf}, year = 2010 } @inproceedings{KlScWaP10, address = {Christchurch (New Zealand)}, author = {Klaus, Martin and Schwerdtfeger, Jörg and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Australia \& New Zealand Marketing Academy 2010 Conference}, editor = {Ballantine, Paul and Finsterwalder, Joerg}, interhash = {62dd9d8bbc077329dd297f8716da1934}, intrahash = {1c94e61fcb7d5e5c0435534f1f614048}, publisher = {Department of Management, University of Canterbury}, title = {{T}argeting {K}ey {I}nfluentials for {D}irect {M}arketing {A}ctivities in {S}ocial {N}etworks: {M}ethodical {P}rogress and an {A}pplication}, url = {http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/25410/20110307-1059/anzmac2010.org/proceedings/pdf/anzmac10Final00412.pdf}, year = 2010 } @inproceedings{BlWaP10a, address = {Paris}, author = {Bloch, Katrin and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation}, interhash = {3fccebdb156a83ff33def67b1bea316c}, intrahash = {c50b03c1c2ab8d2e7a4aa5f7d8755cea}, title = {Bargaining Power and the Impact of Gender Differences}, year = 2010 } @inproceedings{KlWaP, author = {Klaus, Martin and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Australia \& New Zealand Marketing Academy 2009 Conference}, editor = {Mavondo, Felix and Ewing, Michael}, interhash = {1aa3e4267aab8978ccc33256e412de96}, intrahash = {556d494760e59a15cd2bc1e2fe8e5763}, pages = {1-8}, title = {{I}dentifying {I}nfluential {C}ommunicator to gain "{C}onsumer {I}nsights" on {W}eblog {N}etworks}, url = {http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/25410/20110307-1059/www.duplication.net.au/ANZMAC09/papers/ANZMAC2009-067.pdf}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{WaP08a, address = {Frankfurt}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {{V}erf\"ugbarkeit von {I}nformationen, {P}roceedings der 30. {O}nline-{T}agung der {D}{G}{I} / 60. {J}ahrestagung der {D}{G}{I}}, editor = {Ockenfeld, M.}, interhash = {aa1e1d315b3cd9831eec6014eba02a1b}, intrahash = {0342713c86749e03b70a6b161bf242f2}, publisher = {DGI}, title = {{K}onkurrenzanalyse: {H}andwerk, {K}unst oder {W}issenschaft?}, year = 2008 } @techreport{WaW04b, address = {Universit\"at Bielefeld}, author = {Wagner, R.}, institution = {Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, interhash = {96926e338fb068bcd00013df017a2d8d}, intrahash = {e43f369450420256a33275cc5b0cc63c}, number = 514, title = {{M}ining {P}romising {Q}ualification {P}atterns}, year = 2004 } @inproceedings{ScMeWaP06, address = {Berlin}, author = {Scholz, S. and Mei{\ss}ner, M. and Wagner, R.}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of {O}{R} 2005}, editor = {Haasis, H.-O. and Kopfer, H. and Sch\"onberge, J.}, interhash = {9754a05411dd594a1ebe3db7d3d9bc6f}, intrahash = {a6ea4b3977207a494e430bc856cccb0c}, pages = {613 - 618}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{R}obust {P}reference {M}easurement: {A} {S}imulation {S}tudy of {E}rroneous and {A}mbiguous {J}udgement's {I}mpact on {A}{H}{P} and {C}onjoint {A}nalysis}, year = 2006 } @inproceedings{WaP10, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Tagungsband der Jahrestagung des Institute for Competitive Intelligence}, editor = {Michaeli, Rainer}, interhash = {f33a847d366fbd1e5cb8f9f733730a2e}, intrahash = {8df26cff390f05fb8cba5034fdf68dc8}, pages = {8--22}, title = {Open Source Engineering mit Web2.0-Diensten}, year = 2010 } @inproceedings{WaOnScP09, address = {Berlin}, author = {Wagner, R. and Ontrup, J. and Scholz, S.W.}, booktitle = {{C}ooperation in {C}lassification and {D}ata {A}nalysis}, editor = {Okada, A. and Imaizumi, T. and Bock, H.-H. and Gaul, W.}, interhash = {dff56e417bb0e8984834f2d709a78c0e}, intrahash = {a231b89defd364a210a8903068eae062}, pages = {161-168}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{E}vent {D}etection in {E}nvironmental {S}canning: {N}ews from a {H}ospitality {I}ndustry {N}ewsletter}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{KlWaP09, address = {Berlin}, author = {Klaus, Martin and Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {{A}dvances in {D}ata {A}nalysis, {D}ata {H}andling and {B}usiness {I}ntelligence}, editor = {Fink, A. and Lausen, B. and Seidel, W. and Ultsch, A.}, interhash = {9da9fa4fcf716fa2853e0e6c3b27bb15}, intrahash = {0d169edf65e3124d338f741d03410d0e}, pages = {545-552}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{E}xploring the {I}nteraction {S}tructure of {W}eblogs}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{WaP06, address = {Berlin}, author = {Wagner, R.}, booktitle = {{D}ata {S}cience and {C}lassification}, editor = {Batagelj, V. and Bock, H.-H. and Ferligoj, A. and Ziberna, A.}, interhash = {14b717bcb4097a14b35f927bf8649ac7}, intrahash = {3c0acf6d8562af7f732b9916cbe7cc16}, pages = {279 -- 286}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{P}atterns of {A}ssociations in {F}inite {S}ets of {I}tems}, url = {http://bib.tiera.ru/dvd37/Batageli%20V.%20(ed.),%20Bock%20H.H.,%20Ferligoi%20A.%20(ed.)%20-%20Data%20Science%20and%20Classification(2006)(358).pdf#page=274}, year = 2006 } @inproceedings{WaScP09a, address = {Boizenburg}, author = {Wagner, Ralf and Scholz, Sören}, booktitle = {Information: Droge, Ware oder Commons? Wertsch\"opfungs- und Transformationsprozesse auf den Informationsm\"arkten}, editor = {Kuhlen, R.}, interhash = {1eb88760afc169e6fb4b9e396b01a16b}, intrahash = {8c1a6623959dc0b1ca5a4aeb915fd655}, pages = {147 -- 158}, publisher = {VHW-Verlag}, title = {{T}he {N}onlinearity of {S}trategic {U}ncertainty and {E}nvironmental {S}canning {B}ehavior. {A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy of {M}anagerial {I}nformation {S}eeking and {P}rocessing {A}ctivities}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{ScWaP09, address = {Berlin}, author = {Scholz, S.W. and Wagner, R.}, booktitle = {{C}ooperation in {C}lassification and {D}ata {A}nalysis}, editor = {Okada, A. and Imaizumi, T. and Bock, H.-H. and Gaul, W.}, interhash = {f32bb4a5994c997c07b2adb377734975}, intrahash = {7bc90804d782086dfd7906c89abb49c5}, pages = {99 - 106}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {{C}lassification in {M}arketing {S}cience}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{FaWaP08, address = {Beijing}, author = {Falkenreck, C. and Wagner, R.}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}orporate {R}eputation, {B}rand {I}dentity, and {C}ompetitiveness}, interhash = {730815b1eec02ae2c25781f29923910c}, intrahash = {9a9616c25fdd3d0964c2a076d9c8781f}, title = {{I}mpact of {D}irect {M}arketing {A}ctivities on {C}ompany {R}eputation {T}ransfer {S}uccess: {E}mpirical {E}vidence from {F}ive {D}ifferent {C}ultures}, year = 2008 }