@book{WaS607, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Ideenb\"orse}, interhash = {921d301652fe9ceb851cefd337643da9}, intrahash = {568d7e69186c48aed5968201811a3465}, title = {Kundendialoge in Zeitalter des Clash of Cultures}, year = 2007 } @book{WaS207, address = {Hannover}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Branchenforum Versandhandel}, interhash = {68b1ee4ef8eaeb099bf4730f46d6fb5a}, intrahash = {09f863ad0fb96135cbdcd6b08533499f}, title = {Internationales Direktmarketing: Der Schl\"ussel zu den ausl\"andischen Wachstumsm\"arkten}, year = 2007 } @book{WaS307, address = {N\"urnberg}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Workshop auf den Mailingtagen}, interhash = {352e2d44685f5a32fd63c4785e6b3f41}, intrahash = {c70fe10b6cc56e0e778fa66498e18a06}, title = {Direktmarketing in Polen}, year = 2007 } @book{WaS107, address = {Bonn}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Science meets Marketing & Sales}, interhash = {a6ed7b48383e3111c1bfdebe6f8374ed}, intrahash = {31d94ec026a5fec739ec478262fc2dd9}, title = {Direktmarketing im Spannungsfeld von Information und Reaktanz: Welche Werbeansprache wird gew\"unscht?}, year = 2007 } @book{WaS107, address = {Kassel}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Vortrag auf der ZEMARKTagung}, interhash = {c8c21156481dfebb063542ffc6035824}, intrahash = {cb2f9604b28d8d9de164dac6626f4c65}, title = {Clash of Cultures im Marketing f\"ur Gesundheitsdienstleistungen}, year = 2007 } @article{WaJ07, author = {Wagner, R.}, interhash = {7c31b0bafb09ac6dffef237e4282b0d3}, intrahash = {b759c86796e4e18021c0cd8dba98ebba}, journal = {Direktmarketing Praxis}, pages = {16 - 17}, title = {{D}irektmarketing in {R}ussland: Der {S}chl\"ussel zu den russischen {W}achtumsm\"arkten}, volume = 5, year = 2007 } @techreport{WaScW07, address = {Universit\"at Bielefeld}, author = {Wagner, R. and Scholz, S.}, institution = {Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, interhash = {509f4747cc160105dbdce3cd869614c6}, intrahash = {1c4bebaf2efb80553df44a30b1fd2e00}, number = 568, title = {{L}inear and {N}onlinear {B}iplots of {S}trategic {U}ncertainty and {S}canning {B}ehavior}, year = 2007 } @techreport{WaW07, address = {Universit\"at Kassel}, author = {Wagner, R.}, institution = {DMCC - Dialog Marketing Competence Center}, interhash = {17c8205b84496069f6a7fab3c429b2e4}, intrahash = {d151d9c54e3ba5cdf0466f5d4e74d13f}, number = 1, title = {{I}nternationales {D}irektmarketing: {G}renzen und {H}erausforderungen}, type = {Dahlhoff, D. and Mann, A. and Wagner, R.}, year = 2007 } @book{WaS507, address = {Kassel}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {Marketing-Club Nordhessen}, interhash = {921d301652fe9ceb851cefd337643da9}, intrahash = {afd26652bd33c261d2c2fb9aebf31809}, title = {Kundendialoge in Zeitalter des Clash of Cultures}, year = 2007 } @book{WaScKlS107, address = {Freiburg}, author = {Wagner, Ralf and Scholz, Sören and Klaus, Martin}, booktitle = {31st Annual GfKl-Conference}, interhash = {b1e61b1592790cec52c452eedbbbcb21}, intrahash = {9e5478d0b2b63788388a0bfaaa2a6b9b}, title = {An Empirical Study of Environmental Scanning Activities}, year = 2007 } @book{WaS407, address = {Freiburg}, author = {Wagner, Ralf}, booktitle = {31st Annual GfKl-Conference}, interhash = {275c60eec809866865cf4a36fafef43d}, intrahash = {043d4f75cddbab437c0e109a6c341ad8}, title = {Classifying Contemporary Marketing Practices}, year = 2007 } @book{WaScHoS107, address = {Bad Nauheim}, author = {Wagner, Ralf and Scholz, Sören and Hohto, Andreas}, booktitle = {Vortrag auf dem European Competitive Intelligence Summit}, interhash = {406cbdd9e9b8cc68baf15dee34fe7d66}, intrahash = {4f6ddf535f226f351b92f6366de221c0}, title = {The Dark Side of CI: Technocrates at Work}, url = {http://cms.uni-kassel.de/unicms/fileadmin/groups/w_030115/Wagner/vortraege/review1.pdf}, year = 2007 } @incollection{DeWaC07, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Decker, R. and Wagner, R.}, booktitle = {{H}andw\"orterbuch der {M}arktforschung}, editor = {Hermann, A. and Herrmann, A. and Klarmann, M.}, interhash = {5e765e86086e075b5b832bf1f59103d1}, intrahash = {761bd8cca17efc6e7ca37900b216082f}, pages = {53 - 79}, publisher = {Gabler}, title = {{F}ehlende {W}erte: {U}rsachen, {K}onsequenzen und {B}ehandlung}, url = {http://books.google.de/books?hl=de&lr=&id=K-vbr9_p-ncC&oi=fnd&pg=PA53&dq=wagner+Decker&ots=LLB2iTbWzq&sig=sSEuv7mGBGvWQHRO7RAbYl63F2g#PPA53,M1}, year = 2007 } @article{WaScJ07, author = {Wagner, R. and Scholz, S.}, interhash = {a4c1e28efd54d552dba941b0b7c4f9d6}, intrahash = {8eff6a9ecf9a677cb763fa0826826632}, journal = {Information - Wissenschaft \& Praxis}, number = {6 - 7}, pages = {347 -- 354}, title = {{C}{I} im {E}insatz: {T}echnologien zur {I}nformationssuche, -bewertung und {A}ufbereitung}, volume = 58, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{WaScHoP07, address = {Alexandria (Virginia)}, author = {Wagner, R. and Scholz, S. and Hotho, A.}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 2007 {E}uropean {C}ompetitive {I}ntelligence {S}ummit}, editor = {Michaeli, R.}, interhash = {3fbbbdb07c2049630f86ef71cce252bb}, intrahash = {f15fc400b0577b48801606e08ca22be8}, organization = {Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals}, title = {{T}he {D}ark {S}ide of {C}ompetitive {I}ntelligence: {T}echnocrats at {W}ork}, year = 2007 }