@incollection{lippincottlondoncartography, address = {London}, author = {Lippincott, Kristen}, booktitle = {Lorenzo the Magnificent. Culture and Politics}, editor = {Mallett, Michael and Mann, Nicholas}, interhash = {d3fd8d70b9a97c6677898d4b55234f24}, intrahash = {9d445f70c45713b255ccfff1efe2e680}, pages = {131-149}, series = {Warburg Institute Colloquia 3}, title = {The Art of Cartography in Fifteenth-Century Florence}, year = {London} } @article{majorremakes, author = {Major, Richard H.}, interhash = {5dcc15a43b7324b08f17e91e38f2447f}, intrahash = {b9d11af29b48b991fe65de09f5576a52}, journal = {Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. 2nd series}, pages = { 22-32}, title = {Remakes on the Mappamondo of Fra Mauro}, volume = 6, year = 1873 } @incollection{marques1994maldio, address = {Figueira da Foz}, author = {Marques, Alfredo P.}, booktitle = {A Maldição da Memória do Infante Dom Pedro e as Origens dos Descobrimentos Portugueses}, editor = {Marques, Alfredo P.}, interhash = {af18620c7470604db1baf62a4ceaf655}, intrahash = {8f0c50ce2c3b96985069974d5eb03a25}, pages = {151-208, 473-521, 581-610}, title = {A Maldição da Memória do Infante Dom Pedro e as Origens dos Descobrimentos Portugueses}, year = 1994 } @incollection{meneghin1962michele, address = {Venedig}, author = {Meneghin, Vittorino}, interhash = {fd35a3210503a9d79d05a78bb847194b}, intrahash = {5f90784be02c2469cec33b89b1cfa6ea}, pages = {ix-xxvii,18-63,109-138,282-293,365-369,482-486}, title = {San Michele in Isola di Venezia}, volume = 1, year = 1962 } @incollection{meneghin1962michele, address = {Venedig}, author = {Meneghin, Vittorino}, interhash = {fd35a3210503a9d79d05a78bb847194b}, intrahash = {cf2487ca5551d9193f2692677d5a612b}, pages = {7-19, 355, 371-373}, title = {San Michele in Isola di Venezia}, volume = 2, year = 1962 } @article{morozzodellarocca1962storia, author = {Morozzo della Rocca, Raimondo}, interhash = {5929cdfb27a2aa76ee0c42744b27afce}, intrahash = {ecbbfef2b15d5d320e94b98c3fc69218}, journal = {Bollettino dell’Istituto di Storia della Società e dello Stato Veneziano}, pages = {39-41}, title = {Per la storia delle chiese e dei monasteri di Venezia}, volume = 4, year = 1962 } @incollection{nebenzahl1990kolumbusatlas, address = {Braunschweig}, author = {Nebenzahl, Kenneth}, interhash = {a32a09a977c56726ab5d2e2d9f9bb7cb}, intrahash = {119ce3c0f3bfd4e31d5072bcb40a0630}, note = {Übers. aus dem Amerikanischen: Jobst-Christian Rojahn}, pages = {9-17}, title = {Der Kolumbusatlas. Karten aus der Frühzeit der Entdeckungsreisen}, year = 1990 } @article{omboni1879ricerche, author = {Omboni, Tito}, interhash = {cb1b6257e984e0b0a1e6cadf629c4310}, intrahash = {6004ddf3523777b4cc4747310a0b20ea}, journal = {L’Esploratore}, pages = {4-8}, title = {Ricerche sui mappamondi di Fra Mauro. Dirette a mettere in chiaro com’essi abbiano potuto servire di guida ai Portoghesi nei loro famosi viaggi alle coste occidentali d’Africa}, volume = 4, year = 1879 } @incollection{pagnani1949storia, address = {Sassoferrato}, author = {Pagnani, Alberico}, interhash = {991b7318ec1343576862e958fdf8c578}, intrahash = {857fd3df3df914377a64a900033af0a0}, pages = {80-82;125-127;159-164}, title = {Storia dei Benedettini Camaldolesi. 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