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Methodische Beobachtungen zu den verfügbaren Quellengattungen}, volume = 66, year = 2007 } @incollection{johannes2007raumauffassung, address = {Mainz }, author = {Engels, Johannes}, booktitle = {Wahrnehmung und Erfassung geographischer Räume in der Antike}, editor = {Rachmann, Michael}, interhash = {94c93d7c482aae6e07f494df644bca44}, intrahash = {0e2f63dbd8f6536d4ac26b68162cb8f2}, pages = {123-134}, title = {Die Raumauffassung des augusteischen Oikumenereiches in den Geographika Strabons}, year = 2007 } @incollection{sebastian2007diagramm, address = {Berlin}, author = {Bucher, Sebastian}, booktitle = {Verwandte Bilder. Die Fragen der Bildwissenschaft}, editor = {Reichle, Ingeborg and Siegel, Steffen and SPELTEN, Achim}, interhash = {1394ebcde7861a14797d38c82332f3e8}, intrahash = {9c7c93627971f49965fb8cf6f816171a}, pages = {113-129}, title = {Das Diagramm in den Bildwissenschaften. Begriffsanalytische, gattungstheoretische und anwendungsorientierte Ansätze in der diagrammtheoretischen Forschung}, year = 2007 } @incollection{bedö2007landkarten, address = {Berlin}, author = {Bedö, Viktor}, booktitle = {Verwandte Bilder. Die Fragen der Bildwissenschaft}, editor = {Reichle, Ingeborg and Siegel, Steffen and SPELTEN, Achim}, interhash = {4a14cf4de1636487be7f7a7a3ab6644b}, intrahash = {6983334dec9456a0eb2a344e0f31c5aa}, pages = {227-241}, title = {Landkarten als Werkzeuge unseres Denkens}, year = 2007 } @incollection{michele2008culture, address = {Lille}, author = {Campopiano, Michele}, booktitle = {Un exotisme littéraire médiéval }, editor = {Gaullier-Bougassas, Catherine}, interhash = {58b2cb5412bc68d72127b1f64f4020aa}, intrahash = {b7324e24427f00c76c5e0fc520bb9fa4}, pages = {81-95}, series = {Actes du colloque du Centre d'Études Médiévales et Dialectales de Lille}, title = {La culture pisane et le monde arabo-musulman: entre connaissance réelle et héritage livresque}, volume = 3, year = 2008 } @incollection{michele2006gentes, address = {Paris}, author = {Campopiano, Michele}, booktitle = {Conter de Troie et d'Alexandre. Pour Emmanuèle Baumgartner}, editor = {Harf-Lancner, Laurence and Mathey-Maille, Laurence and Szkilnik, Michelle}, interhash = {9c39645f7eac3cb58c901fa45507e3c6}, intrahash = {134962d36772192a372045285ad66634}, pages = {233-252}, title = {Gentes, monstra, fere: L'Histoire d'Alexandre dans une encyclopédie du XIIe siècle}, year = 2006 } @incollection{michele2005geografia, address = {Pisa}, author = {Campopiano, Michele}, booktitle = {Per Marco Tangheroni. Studi su Pisa e sul Mediterraneo medievale offerti dai suoi ultimi allievi}, editor = {Iannella, Cecilia}, interhash = {9163cfcddb5241c2c4732428f09db2f7}, intrahash = {0a86f6a2664be831008cdcaf4b8d39f7}, pages = {9-37}, title = {Geografia e storia a Pisa nel XII secolo. Il Liber Guidonis compositus de variis historiis: natura e tradizione}, year = 2005 } @article{susanne2011vermessung, author = {Burghartz, Susanne}, interhash = {6369fe7cae6322c1062b52a63c868f5d}, intrahash = {aca488ac4892c69205f2fe02c64350ac}, journal = {Historische Anthropologie. Kultur, Gesellschaft, Geschichte }, number = 1, pages = {4-30}, title = {Vermessung der Differenz. Die Magellanstraße als europäischer Projektionsraum um 1600}, volume = 19, year = 2011 } @article{barbara1997diagrams, author = {Obrist, Barbara}, interhash = {145e2d322ff7ec0b002056bf53685492}, intrahash = {79bbfe6420173d087826fea6d22a0905}, journal = {Speculum}, pages = {3-84}, title = {Wind Diagrams and Medieval Cosmology}, volume = 72, year = 1997 } @article{a.2003-2007tabula, author = {Fellmuth, Ulrich and Stini, Frank and Geisinger, Mignon and Niedenhoff, Annika and Rus, Tomislav}, interhash = {fa6d9c14562784eced42fe54269fc5b3}, intrahash = {4fa92e4c849b76dd30afadf031bb7d61}, journal = {Orbis terrarum}, pages = {17-40}, title = {Die Tabula Peutingeriana – eine Karte für Händler und Transporteure}, volume = 9, year = {2003-2007} } @incollection{steffen2007einblicke, address = {Berlin}, author = {Siegel, Steffen}, booktitle = {Verwandte Bilder. Die Fragen der Bildwissenschaft}, editor = {Reichle, Ingeborg and Siegel, Steffen and SPELTEN, Achim}, interhash = {eafbfc84102d3b7d5bfe76032221cd4b}, intrahash = {f619bed7c20b90740c9d4c23505aafe4}, pages = {33-55}, title = {Einblicke. Das Innere des menschlichen Körpers als Bildproblem in der Frühen Neuzeit}, year = 2007 } @incollection{guido2007forma, address = {Mainz}, author = {Rosada, Guido}, booktitle = {Wahrnehmung und Erfassung geographischer Räume in der Antike}, editor = {Rachmann, Michael}, interhash = {6ad61371f49e8eb2e5b2501f99b0db07}, intrahash = {e0d85463e429f19af2b74247f8d5dd67}, pages = {143-158}, title = {Forma Urbis Romae. Dallo sviluppo urbano alla sua immagine riprodotta. Genesi del controllo dello spazio}, year = 2007 } @article{thomas2008altkarte, author = {Horst, Thomas}, interhash = {b687d20794b80aff9f68209009cf87e2}, intrahash = {0e6413e871437fb565b8ce6529828147}, journal = {Archiv für Diplomatik}, pages = {309-377}, title = {Die Altkarte als Quelle für den Historiker. Die Geschichte der Kartographie als Historische Hilfswissenschaft}, volume = 54, year = 2008 } @article{th.2008historische, author = {Gräf, Holger Th.}, interhash = {08d0209093d435030a5f05762386c229}, intrahash = {14ec764a0def1f20e1257ed190a8f812}, journal = {Archiv für Diplomatik}, pages = {379-398}, title = {Historische Bildkunde. Eine Hilfswissenschaft zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Bildwissenschaft}, volume = 54, year = 2008 } @incollection{rudolf2009marco, address = {Farnham, Burlington}, author = {Wittkower, Rudolf}, booktitle = {Medieval Ethnographies. European Perceptions of the World Beyond}, editor = {Rubiés, Joan-Pau}, interhash = {308a0afd0fdff6dab663b07af6ee14ee}, intrahash = {bb9d29c143dff1c344d05f6ea2d9b51e}, pages = {175-207}, series = {The Expansion of Latin Europe, 1000-1500}, title = {Marco Polo and the Pictorial Tradition of the Marvels of the East}, volume = 9, year = 2009 } @incollection{peter2009fifteenthcentury, address = {Farnham, Burlington}, author = {Russell, Peter}, booktitle = {Medieval Ethnographies. European Perceptions of the World Beyond}, editor = {Rubiés, Joan-Pau}, interhash = {dd3b0aa73e62afb8b977891c690fb0ee}, intrahash = {0f02156381bf92d6eb2359ea3cc1f7ea}, pages = {315-328}, series = {The Expansion of Latin Europe, 1000-1500}, title = {Veni, vidi, vici: Some Fifteenth-century Eyewitness Accounts of Travel in the African Atlantic before 1492}, volume = 9, year = 2009 } @incollection{seymour2009outer, address = {Farnham, Burlington}, author = {Phillips, Seymour}, booktitle = {Medieval Ethnographies. European Perceptions of the World Beyond}, editor = {Rubiés, Joan-Pau}, interhash = {51cdccaa91496e98928961b0856d9595}, intrahash = {1706408069ceb518f1ffd97543f9d432}, pages = {1-41}, series = {The Expansion of Latin Europe, 1000-1500}, title = {The Outer World in the European Middle Ages}, volume = 9, year = 2009 } @incollection{irina2009perceptions, address = {Farnham, Burlington}, author = {Metzler, Irina}, booktitle = {Medieval Ethnographies. European Perceptions of the World Beyond }, editor = {Rubiés, Joan-Pau}, interhash = {d65b4773b9d2c66eb3e40dc371b1953e}, intrahash = {2fac6c247c96684ec4167494a03cf66e}, pages = {79-415}, series = {The Expansion of Latin Europe, 1000-1500}, title = {Perceptions of Hot Climate in Medieval Cosmography and Travel Literature}, volume = 9, year = 2009 } @incollection{peter2009illiam, address = {Farnham, Burlington}, author = {Jackson, Peter}, booktitle = {Medieval Ethnographies. European Perceptions of the World Beyond}, editor = {Rubiés, Joan-Pau}, interhash = {4fccb656de8354755723245150978528}, intrahash = {c3b8f246c52a16a030466ce382526b01}, pages = {273-290}, series = {The Expansion of Latin Europe, 1000-1500}, title = {William of Rubruck in the Mongol Empire: Perception and Prejudices}, volume = 9, year = 2009 }