@incollection{vasolicultura, address = {Florenz}, author = {Vasoli, Cesare}, booktitle = {Ambrogio Traversari nel VI centenario della nascita. Convegno internazionale di studi (Ca-maldoli – Firenze, 15-18 settembre 1986) }, editor = {Garfagnini, Gian C.}, interhash = {0cb391918d1ea0ea5a8730dbe41d6103}, intrahash = {65f929f9eca53e01edce38571dbdee36}, pages = {69-93}, series = {Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento. Atti di Convegni 17}, title = {La cultura fiorentina al tempo del Traversari}, year = 1988 } @incollection{lippincottlondoncartography, address = {London}, author = {Lippincott, Kristen}, booktitle = {Lorenzo the Magnificent. Culture and Politics}, editor = {Mallett, Michael and Mann, Nicholas}, interhash = {d3fd8d70b9a97c6677898d4b55234f24}, intrahash = {9d445f70c45713b255ccfff1efe2e680}, pages = {131-149}, series = {Warburg Institute Colloquia 3}, title = {The Art of Cartography in Fifteenth-Century Florence}, year = {London} } @incollection{frigerio1988, address = {Siena}, author = {Frigerio, Salvatore}, interhash = {189963ffe0795a43c4930d7774239f91}, intrahash = {241b934cf300f13292ddfa584295d842}, pages = {15-23, 60-63, 200-218}, title = {Ambrogio Traversari. Un monaco e un monastero nell’umanesimo fiorentino}, year = 1988 } @article{battelli1938celebri, author = {Battelli, Guido}, interhash = {7f19e8e5cfc4ae700993f4f5c676fe04}, intrahash = {0074f73069c277ee490f393f00293246}, journal = {Archivo storico italiano}, pages = {218-227}, title = {Due celebri monaci portoghesi in Firenze nella prima metà del Quattrocen-to. L’Abate Gomes e Velasco di Portogallo}, volume = 96, year = 1938 } @incollection{werner1960probleme, address = {Berlin}, author = {Werner, Ernst}, booktitle = {Tagung der Sektion Mediävistik der Deutschen Historiker-Gesellschaft vom 21.–23.1.1960 in Wernigerode.}, editor = {Werner, Ernst and Steinmetz, Max}, interhash = {bfee5ae4c9e979e630511a909a0e6b08}, intrahash = {ec1c462413431050dacf1272cc61e168}, pages = {11-55}, title = {Probleme städtischer Volksbewegungen im 14. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am Beispiel der Ciompi-Erhebung in Florenz}, volume = {1: Städtische Volksbewegungen im 14. Jahrhundert. Referat und Diskussion zum Thema Probleme städtischer Volksbewegungen im 14. Jahrhundert}, year = 1960 }