@book{Myers.2009, address = {Los Angeles}, author = {Myers, D. Michael}, edition = {1. publ.}, interhash = {f5ec14b423fffca9b5a635d61618c0fd}, intrahash = {fecc5dc371b1a9424227544dfd5940fd}, isbn = {9781412921664}, publisher = {Sage}, title = {Qualitative research in business & management}, url = {http://www.gbv.de/dms/zbw/574672206.pdf}, year = 2009 } @book{Yin.2008, abstract = {Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fourth Edition of Robert K. Yin's bestselling text "Case Study Research" offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid research tool. This thoroughly revised text now covers more than 50 case studies (approximately 25 per cent new), gives fresh attention to quantitative analyses, discusses more fully the use of mixed methods research designs, and includes new methodological insights. The book's coverage of case study research and how it is applied in practice gives readers access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide variety of academic and applied fields. The fourth edition highlights each specific research feature through 44 boxed vignettes that feature previously published case studies. It provides methodological insights to show the similarities between case studies and other social science methods. It suggests a three-stage approach to help readers define the initial questions they will consider in their own case study research. It covers new material on human subjects protection, the role of Institutional Review Boards, and the interplay between obtaining IRB approval and the final development of the case study protocol and conduct of a pilot case. It includes an overall graphic of the entire case study research process at the beginning of the book, then highlights the steps in the process through graphics that appear at the outset of all the chapters that follow. It offers in-text learning aids including 'tips' that pose key questions and answers at the beginning of each chapter, practical exercises, endnotes, and a new cross-referencing table. "Case Study Research, Fourth Edition" is ideal for courses in departments of Education, Business and Management, Nursing and Public Health, Public Administration, Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science.}, author = {Yin, R. K.}, edition = 4, interhash = {47980f4e5fe8f403be6a15d8996e9b8c}, intrahash = {ee602b2867985aa095dd3b6d637c4978}, publisher = {Sage Publications}, title = {Case Study Research: Design and Methods}, year = 2008 } @book{Creswell.2008, abstract = {The third edition of the bestselling text "Research Design" enables readers to compare three approaches to research - qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods - in a single research methods text. The book presents these three approaches side by side within the context of the process of research from the beginning steps of philosophical assumptions to the writing and presenting of research. The third edition presents the preliminary steps of using philosophical assumptions in the beginning of the book. It provides an expanded discussion on ethical issues. It emphasizes new Web-based technologies for literature searches. It offers updated information about mixed-methods research procedures. It contains a glossary of terms.}, author = {Creswell, J. W.}, edition = 3, interhash = {69915464ef32b47e30e3a927e11aa369}, intrahash = {e43ab0e4b653400744e1cb890e584f93}, publisher = {Sage Publications Ltd.}, title = {Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches}, year = 2008 } @book{Corbin.2008, abstract = {"With its storytelling and conversational approach, what might be dry becomes a stimulating and engaging read - even for the experienced researcher. This edition has been enriched in multiple ways. This classic introduction to qualitative method and practice is a pleasurable and rewarding read for the novice and experienced researcher alike." -- Anne Cooper Moore 20091117}, author = {Corbin, J. M. and Strauss, A. L.}, edition = 3, interhash = {69d726259ea396ba0febe029c64c20c6}, intrahash = {709a5a12a4298e53c7f233a68fe5a9cd}, publisher = {Sage Publ.}, title = {Basics of qualitative research}, year = 2008 } @book{Klein.2000, abstract = {Organizational science has never been a fully integrated discipline. Traditionally, organizational research has been conducted from three distinct points of view--the organization, the group, and the individual--although it is clear that processes occurring across all levels of an organization affect the behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations as a whole. This fragmentation has encouraged the proliferation of separate disciplines, theories, and approaches. But in this volume, two dozen experts convince readers to consider multilevel analysis in the study of virtually all phenomena that occur within organizations. By illuminating top-down, bottom-up, and A-level processes and effects within an organization, the contributors bridge the gap between macro and micro approaches with a single unified theory.}, edition = 3, editor = {Klein, K. J. and Kozlowski, S. W. J.}, interhash = {44039ceb695cf448c361722ef7d88847}, intrahash = {e8d615be60f1a60ece21ac4ee816f710}, publisher = {Jossey Bass}, title = {Multilevel Theory, Research, and Methods in Organizations: Foundations, Extensions, and New Directions}, year = 2000 } @book{Neuman.2010, abstract = {Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 7e is a highly regarded text that presents a comprehensive and balanced introduction to both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research with an emphasis on the benefits of combining various approaches. New this edition: MyResearchKit--Social Research Methods 7E can be packaged with this text at no additional cost (ISBN: 0205751342) or purchased separately. MyResearchKit includes: * Multiple-choice practice test questions * Flashcards of key terms * Short research exercises (previously in the workbook) *SPSS data sets: included in MyResearchKit - are used in some of the research exercises *Social Explorer: census data from 1790 - present * A "Social Research in the News" blog *Writing tutorial: covers documenting sources, avoiding plagiarism, and various kinds of writing assignments (literature reviews, abstracts, research proposals, etc.) *MySearchLab: a search engine for retrieving scholarly research articles from hundreds of academic journals}, author = {Neuman, W.L.}, edition = 7, interhash = {09bd1968df4f07455610f06f9cc2fe33}, intrahash = {084064ccb113cf24d9c18dbfffaa95bf}, publisher = {Alpha Books}, title = {Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches}, year = 2010 } @book{dooley.2000, author = {Dooley, D.}, edition = 4, interhash = {4f4276100d3935bdccdb9846f6b7a192}, intrahash = {ce0f405979070aab5aa119cbc2f95b10}, publisher = {Prentice Hall India}, title = {Social Research Methods}, year = 2000 } @book{Plattner.2012, editor = {Plattner, Hasso and Meinel, Christoph and Leifer, Larry}, interhash = {261df103785a558d03370df146ee1192}, intrahash = {4115bfbb02bb136b0c9dc47e9752f824}, isbn = {9783642216428 3642216420}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, refid = {733236978}, title = {Design Thinking Research Studying Co-creation in Practice}, url = {http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=9783642216428}, year = 2011 } @electronic{Lyon.2011, abstract = {The Handbook of Research Methods on Trust provides an authoritative in-depth consideration of quantitative and qualitative methods for empirical study of trust in the social sciences. As this topic has matured, a growing number of practical approaches and techniques have been utilised across the broad, multidisciplinary community of trust research, providing both insights and challenges. This unique Handbook draws together a wealth of research methods knowledge gained by trust researchers into one essential volume. The contributors examine different methodological issues and particular methods.}, address = {Cheltenham}, author = {Lyon, Fergus and Mollering, Guido and Saunders, Mark N. K.}, interhash = {18e8cbf5d2c0472137ccddd38ff5878d}, intrahash = {82df76c4eb3e4343cf4f477e230c4798}, isbn = {9780857932013 0857932012}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Pub.}, refid = {763159362}, title = {Handbook of Research Methods on Trust}, url = {http://public.eblib.com/EBLPublic/PublicView.do?ptiID=807376}, year = 2011 } @book{Avison.2005, abstract = {"Research in Information Systems helps supervisors and their students get the most out of the PhD experience. It can be used as a basis of courses for supervisors and their research students."--BOOK JACKET.}, address = {Amsterdam; Boston; London}, author = {Avison, D. E. and Pries-Heje, Jan}, interhash = {9158a400e04fa65435b0569edfc15ebb}, intrahash = {9f7d4fed02bf97da500b8bbda7e28ab8}, isbn = {0750666552 9780750666558}, publisher = {Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann}, refid = {56875240}, title = {Research in information systems : a handbook for research supervisors and their students}, url = {http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=9780750666558}, year = 2005 }