@book{Biethahn.1997, address = {München}, author = {Biethahn, Jörg and Mucksch, Harry and Ruf, Walter and Almstedt, Matthias and Aschenbach, Frank and de Edda Boer}, edition = {2., vollst. überarb. und erw. Aufl.}, interhash = {8471cc2ff8dfe8e799f5200548716cd3}, intrahash = {8e8838fe27d9cc71908a5367ab71bc71}, isbn = {3486241036}, publisher = {Oldenbourg}, series = {Ganzheitliches Informationsmanagement / von Jörg Biethahn, Harry Mucksch und Walter Ruf}, title = {Entwicklungsmanagement}, volume = {Bd. 2}, year = 1997 } @book{Starr.1971, address = {New York}, author = {Starr, Kenneth Martin}, interhash = {6c80b10c332c839100b026cec5a35126}, intrahash = {e16e72b25a185cbe890556285d48fc9c}, isbn = {0155546813}, publisher = {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich}, title = {Management: A modern approach}, year = 1971 } @book{Thomas.1972, address = {Harmondsworth, Middlesex}, author = {Thomas, M. John and Harman, W. and Bennis, G. Warren}, interhash = {12447775ea2102061f37f82acc5699f5}, intrahash = {8137a878d5bddcc94152e269c2ba7a29}, isbn = {0140806326}, publisher = {Penguin Books}, title = {The management of change and conflict: Selected readings}, year = 1972 }