@book{koester2006fooca, abstract = {This book deals with Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and its application to Web Information Retrieval. It explains how Web search results retrieved by major Web search engines such as Google or Yahoo can be conceptualized leading to a human-oriented form of representation. A generalization of Web search results is conducted, leading to an FCA-based introduction of FooCA. FooCA is an application in the field of Conceptual Knowledge Processing and supports the idea of a holistic representation of Web Information Retrieval.}, address = {Mühltal}, author = {Koester, Bjoern}, interhash = {fe53b2b1fa6be34259647954fca36bf8}, intrahash = {5571d950ada3ee1892e5c043ac438271}, publisher = {Verlag Allgemeine Wissenschaft}, series = {Beiträge zur begrifflichen Wissensverarbeitung}, title = {FooCA: web information retrieval with formal concept analysis}, url = {http://www.bjoern-koester.de/fooca/web_information_retrieval_with_formal_concept_analysis.html}, year = 2006 } @inproceedings{poelmans2011mining, abstract = {Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is an unsupervised clustering technique and many scientific papers are devoted to applying FCA in Information Retrieval (IR) research. We collected 103 papers published between 2003-2009 which mention FCA and information retrieval in the abstract, title or keywords. Using a prototype of our FCA-based toolset CORDIET, we converted the pdf-files containing the papers to plain text, indexed them with Lucene using a thesaurus containing terms related to FCA research and then created the concept lattice shown in this paper. We visualized, analyzed and explored the literature with concept lattices and discovered multiple interesting research streams in IR of which we give an extensive overview. The core contributions of this paper are the innovative application of FCA to the text mining of scientific papers and the survey of the FCA-based IR research. }, author = {Poelmans, Jonas and Elzinga, Paul and Viaene, Stijn and Dedene, Guido and Kuznetsov, Sergei O.}, booktitle = {Industrial Conference on Data Mining - Poster and Industry Proceedings}, editor = {Perner, Petra}, interhash = {b44d11ea5b5a4df8ee30a9c572d82051}, intrahash = {164c37be60c1a47d1727ad9b82f01237}, isbn = {978-3-942954-06-4}, pages = {82--96}, publisher = {IBaI Publishing}, title = {Text Mining Scientific Papers: a Survey on {FCA}-based Information Retrieval Research.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/incdm/incdm2011p.html#PoelmansEVDK11}, year = 2011 }