@inproceedings{schmitz2007network, address = {Banff}, author = {Schmitz, Christoph and Grahl, Miranda and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd and Catutto, Ciro and Baldassarri, Andrea and Loreto, Vittorio and Servedio, Vito D. P.}, booktitle = {Proc. WWW2007 Workshop ``Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization''}, day = 8, interhash = {20bd468c1c9b71206ac6f8b67ed676d6}, intrahash = {23a0a0cd67ab0014e0346527e986caeb}, month = May, title = {Network Properties of Folksonomies}, year = 2007 } @proceedings{berendt2006webmining, editor = {Berendt, B. and Hotho, A. and Mladenic, D. and Semeraro, G.}, interhash = {5e4e5a7285303d11a7f967495fe97059}, intrahash = {ecab780995c630270857b610c7c54e67}, title = {Workshop on Web Mining 2006 (WebMine)}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/ws/webmine2006/pdf/WebMine2006.pdf}, year = 2006 } @proceedings{Berendt03EWMFWS, address = {Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia}, editor = {Berendt, Bettina and Hotho, Andreas and Mladenic, Dunja and van Someren, Maarten and Spiliopoulou, Myra and Stumme, Gerd}, interhash = {1afa094a3f1770fa727bb48153f74e01}, intrahash = {5df1f4f9be3b6424076846d5eb1d2542}, month = SEP, publisher = {Workshop at the 14th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML'03) / 7th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'03)}, title = {Proceedings of the 1st European Web Mining Forum (EWMF 2003)}, year = 2003 } @proceedings{msw2004, editor = {Hotho, Andreas and Sure, York and Getoor, Lise}, interhash = {0e2afdbc572d2f6c19c60559919931c1}, intrahash = {0fbd582960b0f6917d82bd1825c3d167}, month = AUG, note = {located at the 10th International ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining KDD 2004, 22nd August 2004, Seattle, WA, USA}, title = {International Workshop on Mining for and from the Semantic Web (MSW2004)}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/hotho/pub/2004/msw2004_proceedings.pdf}, year = 2004 } @proceedings{semweb2007esoe, booktitle = {ESOE}, date = {2008-06-02}, editor = {Chen, Liming and Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe and Haase, Peter and Hotho, Andreas and Ong, Ernie}, interhash = {e4eaecb727767ab719953ec60a16fba3}, intrahash = {6a076256fc0fbf774cd5e67addc13641}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, title = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution, ESOE 2007, co-located with ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea, November 12th, 2007}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/semweb/esoe2007.html}, volume = 292, year = 2007 } @book{hotho2008challenge, editor = {Hotho, Andreas and Benz, Dominik and Jäschke, Robert and Krause, Beate}, interhash = {fbcdc431904808bb868f09734b91af87}, intrahash = {1d5d5ef0bb222cb2f3adef4d6b06f1ea}, publisher = {Workshop at 18th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML'08) / 11th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'08)}, title = {ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2008 (RSDC'08)}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/ws/rsdc08/pdf/all_rsdc_v2.pdf}, year = 2008 } @book{berendt2008challenge, editor = {Berendt, Bettina and Glance, Natalie and Hotho, Andreas}, interhash = {ab9a3d6f27b2bc93cb8137a0f7988271}, intrahash = {50f6cd75018d7ee98f49c5ab4ef0faaf}, publisher = {Workshop at 18th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML'08) / 11th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'08)}, title = {Wikis, Blogs, Bookmarking Tools - Mining the Web 2.0 Workshop}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/ws/wbbtmine2008/pdf/all_wbbtmine2008.pdf}, year = 2008 } @inproceedings{loreto2009tagging, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Loreto, Vittorio and Capocci, Andrea}, booktitle = {HT '09: Proceedings of the Twentieth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia}, interhash = {6f2ba9f38788a3b544fb5620813329a0}, intrahash = {1ec9c6b266af3bd0ce0c67f6f38983dd}, month = {July}, paperid = {w4tag}, publisher = {ACM}, session = {Workshop}, title = {Tagging Dynamics in Online Communities}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{benz2009characterizing, address = {Bled, Slovenia}, author = {Benz, Dominik and Krause, Beate and Kumar, G. Praveen and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks (EIN2009)}, interhash = {de5e58b26200e44112d9791f39e7523d}, intrahash = {b697a98a7340585594455ee2e81d238a}, month = {September}, title = {Characterizing Semantic Relatedness of Search Query Terms}, year = 2009 } @book{AH:10, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, editor = {Atzmueller, Martin and Hotho, Andreas}, interhash = {7260d64afa0eadf785be450646aec5c4}, intrahash = {684691da3230424a4b6aef804cd27579}, publisher = {ECML/PKDD 2010}, title = {{Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2010)}}, year = 2010 } @proceedings{proc_msm2011@eswc2011, booktitle = {Making Sense of Microposts {(\#MSM2011)}}, editor = {Rowe, Matthew and Stankovic, Milan and Dadzie, Aba-Sah and Hardey, Mariann}, interhash = {1590ada2c2ea27847ffd872ba4d8d07d}, intrahash = {620237891cabce63e8387ece58243f98}, month = may, title = {Proceedings, 1st Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts {(\#MSM2011)}: Big things come in small packages, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 30th May 2011}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-718}, year = 2011 } @inproceedings{Freyne:2011:WRS:2043932.2044014, abstract = {The exponential growth of the social web poses challenges and new opportunities for recommender systems. The social web has turned information consumers into active contributors creating massive amounts of information. Finding relevant and interesting content at the right time and in the right context is challenging for existing recommender approaches. At the same time, social systems by their definition encourage interaction between users and both online content and other users, thus generating new sources of knowledge for recommender systems. Web 2.0 users explicitly provide personal information and implicitly express preferences through their interactions with others and the system (e.g. commenting, friending, rating, etc.). These various new sources of knowledge can be leveraged to improve recommendation techniques and develop new strategies which focus on social recommendation. The Social Web provides huge opportunities for recommender technology and in turn recommender technologies can play a part in fuelling the success of the Social Web phenomenon.

The goal of this one day workshop was to bring together researchers and practitioners to explore, discuss, and understand challenges and new opportunities for Recommender Systems and the Social Web. The workshop consisted both of technical sessions, in which selected participants presented their results or ongoing research, as well as informal breakout sessions on more focused topics.

Papers discussing various aspects of recommender system in the Social Web were submitted and selected for presentation and discussion in the workshop in a formal reviewing process: Case studies and novel fielded social recommender applications; Economy of community-based systems: Using recommenders to encourage users to contribute and sustain participation.; Social network and folksonomy development: Recommending friends, tags, bookmarks, blogs, music, communities etc.; Recommender systems mash-ups, Web 2.0 user interfaces, rich media recommender systems; Collaborative knowledge authoring, collective intelligence; Recommender applications involving users or groups directly in the recommendation process; Exploiting folksonomies, social network information, interaction, user context and communities or groups for recommendations; Trust and reputation aware social recommendations; Semantic Web recommender systems, use of ontologies or microformats; Empirical evaluation of social recommender techniques, success and failure measures

Full workshop details are available at http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~ssanand/RSWeb11/index.htm}, acmid = {2044014}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Freyne, Jill and Anand, Sarabjot Singh and Guy, Ido and Hotho, Andreas}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems}, doi = {10.1145/2043932.2044014}, interhash = {6171f01a8f8cd063ec257cb4809801a6}, intrahash = {11fe6dd3da33f0aa0a40c998e5193ab8}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0683-6}, location = {Chicago, Illinois, USA}, numpages = {2}, pages = {383--384}, publisher = {ACM}, series = {RecSys '11}, title = {3rd workshop on recommender systems and the social web}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2043932.2044014}, year = 2011 } @proceedings{Mobasher:2012:2365934, abstract = {The new opportunities for applying recommendation techniques within Social Web platforms and applications as well as the various new sources of information which have become available in the Web 2.0 and can be incorporated in future recommender applications are a strong driving factor in current recommender system research for various reasons:

(1) Social systems by their definition encourage interaction between users and both online content and other users, thus generating new sources of knowledge for recommender systems. Web 2.0 users explicitly provide personal information and implicitly express preferences through their interactions with others and the system (e.g. commenting, friending, rating, etc.). These various new sources of knowledge can be leveraged to improve recommendation techniques and develop new strategies which focus on social recommendation.

(2) New application areas for recommender systems emerge with the popularity of the Social Web. Recommenders cannot only be used to sort and filter Web 2.0 and social network information, they can also support users in the information sharing process, e.g., by recommending suitable tags during folksonomy development.

(3) Recommender technology can assist Social Web systems through increasing adoption and participation and sustaining membership. Through targeted and timely intervention which stimulates traffic and interaction, recommender technology can play its role in sustaining the success of the Social Web.

(4) The Social Web also presents new challenges for recommender systems, such as the complicated nature of human-to-human interaction which comes into play when recommending people and can require more interactive and richer recommender systems user interfaces.

The technical papers appearing in these proceedings aim to explore and understand challenges and new opportunities for recommender systems in the Social Web and were selected in a formal review process by an international program committee.

Overall, we received 13 paper submissions from 12 different countries, out of which 7 long papers and 1 short paper were selected for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings. The submitted papers addressed a variety of topics related to Social Web recommender systems from the use of microblogging data for personalization over new tag recommendation approaches to social media-based personalization of news.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Mobasher, Bamshad and Jannach, Dietmar and Geyer, Werner and Hotho, Andreas}, interhash = {4a591caf39ca41da55a94a37c8c47074}, intrahash = {354947709c23c90b18dae862c46b2761}, isbn = {978-1-4503-1638-5}, location = {Dublin, Ireland}, note = 609126, publisher = {ACM}, title = {RSWeb '12: Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web}, year = 2012 } @inproceedings{conf/recsys/MobasherJGH12, author = {Mobasher, Bamshad and Jannach, Dietmar and Geyer, Werner and Hotho, Andreas}, booktitle = {RecSys}, crossref = {conf/recsys/2012}, editor = {Cunningham, Padraig and Hurley, Neil J. and Guy, Ido and Anand, Sarabjot Singh}, ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2365952.2366039}, interhash = {d211f9c4cbcc5e748c848b4b55f81226}, intrahash = {fe34d757dd2ec79a40d2baa55115898d}, isbn = {978-1-4503-1270-7}, pages = {345-346}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {4th ACM RecSys workshop on recommender systems and the social web.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/recsys/recsys2012.html#MobasherJGH12}, year = 2012 } @inproceedings{mueller-2013a, abstract = {An increasing number of platforms like Xively or ThingSpeak are available to manage ubiquitous sensor data enabling the Internet of Things. Strict data formats allow interoperability and informative visualizations, supporting the development of custom user applications. Yet, these strict data formats as well as the common feed-centric approach limit the flexibility of these platforms. We aim at providing a concept that supports data ranging from text-based formats like JSON to images and video footage. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of extensions, which allows to enrich existing data points with additional information, thus, taking a data point centric approach. This enables us to gain semantic and user specific context by attaching subjective data to objective values. This paper provides an overview of our architecture including concept, implementation details and present applications. We distinguish our approach from several other systems and describe two sensing applications namely AirProbe and WideNoise that were implemented for our platform.}, author = {Becker, Martin and Mueller, Juergen and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Crowdsensing Architecture and Applications, PUCAA 2013, Zurich, Switzerland -- September 9, 2013. Proceedings}, interhash = {5302866e7849d40a44deab166b6c4d36}, intrahash = {35eef1ecdac9d83d3bfbcac22c31984a}, note = {Accepted for publication}, pages = {New York, NY, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {A Generic Platform for Ubiquitous and Subjective Data}, year = 2013 } @book{atzmueller2013ubiquitous, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, editor = {Atzmueller, Martin and Chin, Alvin and Helic, Denis and Hotho, Andreas}, interhash = {b0fcec93b875c8b0060087bc07944e89}, intrahash = {1e2d036351662d35ef95719554d37e46}, isbn = {9783642453915 3642453910 9783642453922 3642453929}, publisher = {Imprint: Springer}, refid = {867052137}, title = {Ubiquitous Social Media Analysis Third International Workshops, MUSE 2012, Bristol, UK, September 24, 2012, and MSM 2012, Milwaukee, WI, USA, June 25, 2012, Revised Selected Papers}, url = {http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-45392-2}, year = 2013 } @proceedings{conf/recsys/2013rsweb, booktitle = {RSWeb@RecSys}, editor = {Mobasher, Bamshad and Jannach, Dietmar and Geyer, Werner and Freyne, Jill and Hotho, Andreas and Anand, Sarabjot Singh and Guy, Ido}, ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1066}, interhash = {31e724c09d1f4a4bbf013ecb8e1f6685}, intrahash = {aca768068f09003e97b51d48ec092ddc}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, title = {Proceedings of the Fifth ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web co-located with the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2013), Hong Kong, China, October 13, 2013.}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1066}, volume = 1066, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{jannach2014sixth, author = {Jannach, Dietmar and Freyne, Jill and Geyer, Werner and Guy, Ido and Hotho, Andreas and Mobasher, Bamshad}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}, booktitle = {Eighth {ACM} Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys '14, Foster City, Silicon Valley, CA, {USA} - October 06 - 10, 2014}, doi = {10.1145/2645710.2645786}, interhash = {b465a3695da123d6ee9de1675cb3d480}, intrahash = {5773f799bec72240eda5e6cfb6a03d7b}, pages = 395, title = {The sixth {ACM} RecSys workshop on recommender systems and the social web}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2645710.2645786}, year = 2014 } @proceedings{cellier2014proceedings, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}, editor = {Cellier, Peggy and Charnois, Thierry and Hotho, Andreas and Matwin, Stan and Moens, Marie{-}Francine and Toussaint, Yannick}, interhash = {212d282598a034c37510c1c08c4f3a34}, intrahash = {cfb7265080d484cfda32e1fbdaff361f}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, title = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interactions between Data Mining and Natural Language Processing co-located with The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, DMNLP@PKDD/ECML 2014, Nancy, France, September 15, 2014}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1202}, volume = 1202, year = 2014 } @proceedings{jannach2014proceedings, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}, editor = {Jannach, Dietmar and Freyne, Jill and Geyer, Werner and Guy, Ido and Hotho, Andreas and Mobasher, Bamshad}, interhash = {a1a704ec9c98e6031a1444c6eccc7c0a}, intrahash = {09cb7c63e60bd3c5e6773c9c871a8aba}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, title = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web (RSWeb 2014) co-located with the 8th {ACM} Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2014), Foster City, CA, USA, October 6, 2014}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1271}, volume = 1271, year = 2014 }