@misc{goldenberg2009survey, abstract = {Networks are ubiquitous in science and have become a focal point for discussion in everyday life. Formal statistical models for the analysis of network data have emerged as a major topic of interest in diverse areas of study, and most of these involve a form of graphical representation. Probability models on graphs date back to 1959. Along with empirical studies in social psychology and sociology from the 1960s, these early works generated an active network community and a substantial literature in the 1970s. This effort moved into the statistical literature in the late 1970s and 1980s, and the past decade has seen a burgeoning network literature in statistical physics and computer science. The growth of the World Wide Web and the emergence of online networking communities such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, and a host of more specialized professional network communities has intensified interest in the study of networks and network data. Our goal in this review is to provide the reader with an entry point to this burgeoning literature. We begin with an overview of the historical development of statistical network modeling and then we introduce a number of examples that have been studied in the network literature. Our subsequent discussion focuses on a number of prominent static and dynamic network models and their interconnections. We emphasize formal model descriptions, and pay special attention to the interpretation of parameters and their estimation. We end with a description of some open problems and challenges for machine learning and statistics.}, author = {Goldenberg, Anna and Zheng, Alice X and Fienberg, Stephen E and Airoldi, Edoardo M}, interhash = {bab22de06306d84cf357aadf48982d87}, intrahash = {5e341981218d7cd89416c3371d56c794}, note = {cite arxiv:0912.5410Comment: 96 pages, 14 figures, 333 references}, title = {A survey of statistical network models}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.5410}, year = 2009 } @article{1742-5468-2007-06-P06010, abstract = {To account for strong ageing characteristics of citation networks, we modify the PageRank algorithm by initially distributing random surfers exponentially with age, in favour of more recent publications. The output of this algorithm, which we call CiteRank, is interpreted as approximate traffic to individual publications in a simple model of how researchers find new information. We optimize parameters of our algorithm to achieve the best performance. The results are compared for two rather different citation networks: all American Physical Society publications between 1893 and 2003 and the set of high-energy physics theory (hep-th) preprints. Despite major differences between these two networks, we find that their optimal parameters for the CiteRank algorithm are remarkably similar. The advantages and performance of CiteRank over more conventional methods of ranking publications are discussed.}, author = {Walker, Dylan and Xie, Huafeng and Yan, Koon-Kiu and Maslov, Sergei}, interhash = {86853f761733eaea09a273027a6c3c4a}, intrahash = {ed618f45800255b5a5179d36849cd0b4}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment}, number = 06, pages = {P06010}, title = {Ranking scientific publications using a model of network traffic}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-5468/2007/i=06/a=P06010}, volume = 2007, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{boshmaf2011socialbot, abstract = {Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become an integral part of today's Web. Politicians, celebrities, revolutionists, and others use OSNs as a podium to deliver their message to millions of active web users. Unfortunately, in the wrong hands, OSNs can be used to run astroturf campaigns to spread misinformation and propaganda. Such campaigns usually start o� by in�ltrating a targeted OSN on a large scale. In this paper, we evaluate how vulnerable OSNs are to a large-scale in�ltration by socialbots: computer programs that control OSN accounts and mimic real users. We adopt a traditional web-based botnet design and built a Socialbot Network (SbN): a group of adaptive socialbots that are or- chestrated in a command-and-control fashion. We operated such an SbN on Facebook|a 750 million user OSN|for about 8 weeks. We collected data related to users' behav- ior in response to a large-scale in�ltration where socialbots were used to connect to a large number of Facebook users. Our results show that (1) OSNs, such as Facebook, can be in�ltrated with a success rate of up to 80%, (2) depending on users' privacy settings, a successful in�ltration can result in privacy breaches where even more users' data are exposed when compared to a purely public access, and (3) in prac- tice, OSN security defenses, such as the Facebook Immune System, are not e�ective enough in detecting or stopping a large-scale in�ltration as it occurs.}, author = {Boshmaf, Yazan and Muslukhov, Ildar and Beznosov, Konstantin and Ripeanu, Matei}, booktitle = {Proc. of the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2011}, interhash = {d384da66292051fab7eca0372805c9af}, intrahash = {a6ef16ba759ee4c56ccd4d017560344e}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {The Socialbot Network: When Bots Socialize for Fame and Money}, url = {http://lersse-dl.ece.ubc.ca/record/264/files/ACSAC_2011.pdf}, year = 2011 } @inproceedings{transybil2009, author = {Tran, D.N. and Min, B. and Li, J. and Subramanian, L.}, interhash = {34d39d14be357a65eefa8207a3fb5856}, intrahash = {40c3dea03e3e4c561db6bc4b34c6f3da}, organization = {Citeseer}, title = {Sybil-resilient online content rating}, url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar.bib?q=info:YVSgj4tFvzEJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=de&as_sdt=0&scfhb=1&ct=citation&cd=0}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{anagnostopoulos2011authority, author = {Anagnostopoulos, Aris and Brova, George and Terzi, Evimaria}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD 2011}, interhash = {4b69d0de5d0c542404c9eb387abb0ac2}, intrahash = {eb4553d07c2975a62fff33e92646a7df}, title = {Peer and Authority Pressure in Information-Propagation Models}, year = 2011 } @misc{Traud2011, abstract = { We study the social structure of Facebook "friendship" networks at one hundred American colleges and universities at a single point in time, and we examine the roles of user attributes - gender, class year, major, high school, and residence - at these institutions. We investigate the influence of common attributes at the dyad level in terms of assortativity coefficients and regression models. We then examine larger-scale groupings by detecting communities algorithmically and comparing them to network partitions based on the user characteristics. We thereby compare the relative importances of different characteristics at different institutions, finding for example that common high school is more important to the social organization of large institutions and that the importance of common major varies significantly between institutions. Our calculations illustrate how microscopic and macroscopic perspectives give complementary insights on the social organization at universities and suggest future studies to investigate such phenomena further. }, author = {Traud, Amanda L. and Mucha, Peter J. and Porter, Mason A.}, interhash = {2bb0d7d1589f4e651c07f4419bc68c02}, intrahash = {8afd9e99551c5fc1343fcc47542dbef6}, note = {cite arxiv:1102.2166 Comment: 82 pages (including many pages of tables), 8 multi-part figures, "Facebook100" data used in this paper is publicly available at http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/~porterm/data/facebook100.zip}, title = {Social Structure of Facebook Networks}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.2166}, year = 2011 } @article{Hill:September_2006:1061-8600:584, abstract = {A dynamic network is a special type of network composed of connected transactors which have repeated evolving interaction. Data on large dynamic networks such as telecommunications networks and the Internet are pervasive. However, representing dynamic networks in a manner that is conducive to efficient large-scale analysis is a challenge. In this article, we represent dynamic graphs using a data structure introduced in an earlier article. We advocate their representation because it accounts for the evolution of relationships between transactors through time, mitigates noise at the local transactor level, and allows for the removal of stale relationships. Our work improves on their heuristic arguments by formalizing the representation with three tunable parameters. In doing this, we develop a generic framework for evaluating and tuning any dynamic graph. We show that the storage saving approximations involved in the representation do not affect predictive performance, and typically improve it. We motivate our approach using a fraud detection example from the telecommunications industry, and demonstrate that we can outperform published results on the fraud detection task. In addition, we present a preliminary analysis on Web logs and e-mail networks. }, author = {Hill, Shawndra and Agarwal, Deepak K. and Bell, Robert and Volinsky, Chris}, doi = {doi:10.1198/106186006X139162}, interhash = {0bef8e24366140d674636ff4f032a8de}, intrahash = {c4c90214919c4edb8da5d69b78e5180b}, journal = {Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics}, month = {September }, pages = {584-608(25)}, title = {Building an Effective Representation for Dynamic Networks}, url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asa/jcgs/2006/00000015/00000003/art00006}, volume = 15, year = 2006 } @article{joseph2010identifying, abstract = {Abstract  We have designed a highly versatile badge system to facilitate a variety of interaction at large professional or social events and serve as a platform for conducting research into human dynamics. The badges are equipped with a large LED display, wirelessinfrared and radio frequency networking, and a host of sensors to collect data that we have used to develop features and algorithmsaimed at classifying and predicting individual and group behavior. This paper overviews our badge system, describes the interactionsand capabilities that it enabled for the wearers, and presents data collected over several large deployments. This data isanalyzed to track and socially classify the attendees, predict their interest in other people and demonstration installations,profile the restlessness of a crowd in an auditorium, and otherwise track the evolution and dynamics of the events at whichthe badges were run.}, author = {Paradiso, Joseph and Gips, Jonathan and Laibowitz, Mathew and Sadi, Sajid and Merrill, David and Aylward, Ryan and Maes, Pattie and Pentland, Alex}, interhash = {2147daa8d319533a06f0b0eb0b3c4a54}, intrahash = {37b13a9085306104ac242a9595cb76bd}, journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing}, month = {#feb#}, number = 2, pages = {137--152}, title = {Identifying and facilitating social interaction with a wearable wireless sensor network}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-009-0239-2}, volume = 14, year = 2010 } @misc{Kitsak2010, abstract = { Networks portray a multitude of interactions through which people meet, ideas are spread, and infectious diseases propagate within a society. Identifying the most efficient "spreaders" in a network is an important step to optimize the use of available resources and ensure the more efficient spread of information. Here we show that, in contrast to common belief, the most influential spreaders in a social network do not correspond to the best connected people or to the most central people (high betweenness centrality). Instead, we find: (i) The most efficient spreaders are those located within the core of the network as identified by the k-shell decomposition analysis. (ii) When multiple spreaders are considered simultaneously, the distance between them becomes the crucial parameter that determines the extend of the spreading. Furthermore, we find that-- in the case of infections that do not confer immunity on recovered individuals-- the infection persists in the high k-shell layers of the network under conditions where hubs may not be able to preserve the infection. Our analysis provides a plausible route for an optimal design of efficient dissemination strategies. }, author = {Kitsak, Maksim and Gallos, Lazaros K. and Havlin, Shlomo and Liljeros, Fredrik and Muchnik, Lev and Stanley, H. Eugene and Makse, Hernan A.}, interhash = {9545e268e6074cf2edc21693e7bb1b04}, intrahash = {18a1220e45e38620051a0c9b854d1a28}, note = {cite arxiv:1001.5285 Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures}, title = {Identifying influential spreaders in complex networks}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.5285}, year = 2010 } @article{juliaonline, abstract = {Zusammenfassung  Online Social Networks wie Xing.com oder Facebook.com gehören zu den am stärksten wachsenden Diensten im Internet. Im Jahr 2008 nutzten geschätzte 580 Mio. Menschen weltweit diese Angebote. Entsprechend schnell haben sich Online Social Networksinnerhalb weniger Jahre von einem Nischenphänomen zu einem weltweiten Medium der IT-gestützten Kommunikation entwickelt. Insbesondereaufgrund stark wachsender Mitgliederzahlen entfalten Online Social Networks eine erhebliche gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftlicheBedeutung. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Ziel dieses Beitrags, Begriff und Eigenschaften, Entstehung und Entwicklung sowieNutzenpotenziale und Herausforderungen von Online Social Networks näher zu untersuchen.}, author = {Heidemann, Julia}, interhash = {d535135f1f523873830c4e19f16fdf61}, intrahash = {602e2e19ec9de91f4f992cd1486bc0df}, journal = {Informatik-Spektrum}, pages = {--}, title = {Online Social Networks – Ein sozialer und technischer Überblick}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00287-009-0367-0}, year = 2009 }