@article{tejada01, author = {Tejada, Sheila and Knoblock, Craig A. and Minton, Steven}, interhash = {f9f59187b0397a0fbe1e558dfb4ad9cf}, intrahash = {0eec4b04acb7e05153c4eb23bd5c5758}, journal = {Information Systems Journal}, location = {Wachington, DC}, number = 8, pages = {635--656}, title = {Learning Object Identification Rules for Information Integration}, volume = 26, year = 2001 } @article{KLW90, author = {Kifer, M. and Lausen, G. and Wu, J.}, interhash = {a14ad8e99a051f8a341b1e2a86c09713}, intrahash = {7068223da6c726e7db1c7017f42ccfc5}, isbn = {3-540-41066-X}, journal = {Journal of the ACM}, number = 4, pages = {741--843}, title = {Logical Foundations of Object-Oriented and Frame-Based Languages}, volume = 42, year = 1995 }