@article{turing1936a, annote = {Turing's famous demonstration of the formal limits on computation based on a proof that the {\em halting problem} is undecidable.}, author = {Turing, Alan M.}, interhash = {8ac1f5e961ff74849ab6f0c7348b9c9c}, intrahash = {b51d7b5c67fb98e0117bc176ee5fd5cf}, journal = {Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society}, number = 42, pages = {230--265}, title = {On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the {E}ntscheidungsproblem}, url = {http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/gionis/cc05/OnComputableNumbers.pdf}, volume = 2, year = 1936 } @unpublished{Kahrs0X, author = {Kahrs, Stefan}, interhash = {1b4787071a9247f5fe3c9327bd830468}, intrahash = {e3ece6dc0b68b67ea6515ccd39d74ad3}, title = {The Primitive Recursive Functions are Recursively Enumerable}, url = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/smk/primrec.pdf}, year = {200X} } @misc{klccne1952im, author = {Kleene, S.}, interhash = {655ce304256a2845a50b6bbd1c2b14c4}, intrahash = {e0272f0e1ae7d70858fb881d7ef83ab2}, publisher = {Van Nostrand, New York}, title = {{Introduction to Metamathematics}}, year = 1952 }