@article{nallapati2008link, author = {Nallapati, R. and Cohen, W.}, booktitle = {International Conference for Weblogs and Social Media}, interhash = {fc5e49ebae9358381b43981b6794158b}, intrahash = {a1f50ddb9b2734e224d4c4ea0140c7cd}, title = {{Link-PLSA-LDA: A new unsupervised model for topics and influence of blogs}}, url = {http://scholar.google.de/scholar.bib?q=info:WFXUMUlnnKwJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=de&ct=citation&cd=0}, year = 2008 } @inproceedings{shafiei_milios06, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, author = {Shafiei, M. Mahdi and Milios, Evangelos E.}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICDM.2006.94}, booktitle = {ICDM '06: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data Mining}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICDM.2006.94}, interhash = {5850c178c4393ec9c7ea8b0f7f9271c5}, intrahash = {f36c376d49e03acd1cae83c758327943}, isbn = {0-7695-2701-9}, owner = {gregor}, pages = {542--551}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, timestamp = {2008.04.25}, title = {Latent {D}irichlet Co-Clustering}, year = 2006 }