@book{Scherrer1999, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Scherrer, Christoph}, groups = {public}, interhash = {0aa40d084f0cd04008fd253a167b7305}, intrahash = {b6c2018f7637e2348bc0276916cabf1f}, publisher = {rainer bohn verlag}, signatur = {UW 850 15}, standort = {TIB/UB Hannover FBS}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:24}, title = {Globalisierung wider {W}illen? {D}ie {D}urchsetzung liberaler {A}ußenwirtschaftspolitik in den {USA}}, username = {droessler}, year = 1999 } @book{Hummel2000, abstract = {Hartwig {H}ummel hat 1987-88 an der {U}niversität {T}okyo bei {P}rof. {Y}oshikazu {S}akamoto und {P}rof. {S}usumu {T}akahashi studiert; {S}akamoto hat zur {R}ezeption des {N}eogramscianismus in {J}apan beigetragen (vgl. sakamoto1994)}, address = {Münster}, author = {Hummel, Hartwig}, crossref = {sakamoto1994}, groups = {public}, interhash = {6c1132b4e6008b4b303235fe786e9234}, intrahash = {7f8d46089d4d6203e0fbdc67b78bfbcc}, publisher = {agenda Verlag}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:59}, title = {Der neue {W}esten. {D}er {H}andelskonflikt zwischen den {USA} und {J}apan und die {I}ntegration der westlichen {G}emeinschaft}, username = {droessler}, year = 2000 } @book{Kennedy1991, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Kennedy, Paul}, crossref = {albert/brock1999}, groups = {public}, interhash = {b5680c85681f95747b646c0fb4b6564f}, intrahash = {03eaf1de77d18de97a32925ac5f6c18c}, note = {erschien zuerst 1987 in den USA unter dem Titel "`The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000"'}, publisher = {Fischer-Verlag}, signatur = {G 7/155}, standort = {ComHe}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:01}, title = {Aufstieg und {F}all der großen {M}ächte. Ökonomischer {W}andel und militärischer {K}onflikt von 1500 bis 2000}, username = {droessler}, year = 1991 } @book{Aglietta1976, address = {Paris}, author = {Aglietta, Michel}, groups = {public}, interhash = {5098374bcca65ef5f7f1515c3f2f6b1c}, intrahash = {d39e101fb367857b84806a4a14f65df4}, publisher = {Calmann-Lévy}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:38}, title = {Régulation et crises du capitalisme. {L}'expérience des {E}tats-{U}nis}, username = {droessler}, year = 1976 } @article{Cox1977, abstract = {Der {R}ückzug der {USA} aus der {ILO} wird in {B}egriffen hegemonialer {M}achtbeziehungen verstanden. "`{T}ripartism"' ist eine {I}deologie, die auf einer dominanten historischen {T}endenz basiert: {D}ie {E}ntstehung einer korporativen {F}orm des {S}taates, sowohl in entwickelten, als auch in unterentwickelten {L}ändern. {D}ie {AFL}-{CIO} hat an der {S}chaffung des korporativen {S}taates in den {USA} partizipiert und die {USA} in seiner hegemonialen {R}olle in der {W}elt im {Z}usammenspiel mit den amerikanischen {W}irtschaftsinteressen und der {CIA} unterstützt. {W}eder die {ILO} noch internationale {H}andelsorganisationen (besonders die {ICFTU}) hat eine stabile {B}eziehung mit dem {Z}entrum der hegemonialen {M}acht im {B}ereich der {A}rbeit befürwortet, seit die {AFL}-{CIO} eine unilaterale {A}ußenpolitik einführte. {D}ie funktionalistische {S}trategie exekutiver {F}ührung ist fast völlig irrelevant für das {P}roblemfeld gewesen, indem sie die {A}utonomie einer internationalen {O}rganisation durch die {A}usweitung der {A}ufgaben in technischen {B}ereichen zwang (asserting). {W}eder hat die {ILO} eine alternative gegenhegemoniale {B}asis der {U}nterstützung gefunden, z. {B}. in der {D}ritten {W}elt. {D}ie existierende {H}egemonie hat sich selbst reasserted durch das {P}rogramm der {ILO} und {I}deologie, sogar als die {USA} ihre materielle {U}nterstützung zurückzog. {H}egemonie, die nicht mehr über die {S}timmenmehrheit in den internationalen {O}rganisationen operiert, arbeitet stattdessen über bürokratische {K}ontrolle. {D}iese {M}achtstruktur hat die {ILO} davon abgehalten, effektiv die wirklichen sozialen {P}robleme der {S}chaffung von {A}rbeitsplätzen, der {B}odenreform, der {M}arginalisierung und allgemeinen {A}rmut anzupacken. {I}nitiativen, solche {T}hemen zu bearbeiten, sind ultimativ diverted in {P}rogramme, die mit hegemonialer {I}deologie und {M}achtbeziehungen bestehen. {H}egemoniekonzept nach {G}ramsci: "`{A}ntonio {G}ramsci used the concept of hegemony to express a unity between objective material forces and ethico-political ideas -- in {M}arxian terms, a unity of structure and superstructure -- in which power based on dominance over production is rationalized through an ideology incorporating compromise or consensus between dominant and subordinate groups. {I}n the hegemonic consensus, the dominant groups make some concessions to satisfy the subordinate groups, but not such as to endanger their dominance. {T}he language of consensus is a language of common interest expressed in universalist terms, though the structure of power underlying it is skewed in favor of the dominant groups. {I}n this {G}ramscian sense of the term, the {ILO} has been the expression of a global hegemony in production relations."' ({S}. 387) {C}ox bezieht sich auf die italienische {A}usgabe der {G}efängnishefte ({Q}uaderni del {C}arcere, {G}uilio {E}naudi, {T}orino 1975), ohne sich jedoch die {M}ühe zu machen, den {H}egemoniebegriff bei {G}ramsci zu rekonstruieren und ihn auf die {B}rauchbarkeit im {B}ereich der {I}nternationalen {B}eziehungen hin zu überprüfen. {C}ox war zu {Z}eit der {E}rscheinung des {A}rtikels {M}itglied des {I}nstitute for {W}ar and {P}eace {S}tudies an der {C}olumbia {U}niversity.}, author = {Cox, Robert W.}, groups = {public}, interhash = {c059c93481bfef339afefdff04b183b4}, intrahash = {4f49c526e444da8b61ae8fbda698248a}, journal = {International {O}rganization}, number = 3, pages = {385-424}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:44:46}, title = {Labor and {H}egemony}, username = {droessler}, volume = 31, year = 1977 } @article{Leggewie2003, author = {Leggewie, Claus}, groups = {public}, interhash = {73dc499ce4ea09ece48848cf564b678d}, intrahash = {7e8324e6fff9f02f8899ef98cbbb716d}, journal = {Internationale {P}olitik und {G}esellschaft}, number = 1, pages = {87-110}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:04}, title = {Globalisierung versus {H}egemonie. {Z}ur {Z}ukunft der transatlantischen {B}eziehungen}, username = {droessler}, year = 2003 } @article{Pells30.06.1998, author = {Pells, Richard}, groups = {public}, interhash = {867d4cf10082613dfd72d40b7a833b92}, intrahash = {b113846730bd65adaebff12505062239}, journal = {International {H}erald {T}ribune}, signatur = {1183}, standort = {sdr}, timestamp = {2011-02-04 02:45:14}, title = {Meanwhile: {N}o {N}eed to {F}ret {A}bout {E}urope's {I}nvasion of {A}merica}, url = {http://www.iht.com}, username = {droessler}, year = {30.06.1998} } @misc{Scherrer:2006, author = {Scherrer, Christoph}, interhash = {2fba94d8bbe3636740dfec9b9d424fd2}, intrahash = {b6a49e93bd2e2710ed99835f6b50e566}, opac = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006112215800}, publisher = {Univ.-Bibliothek Kassel}, title = {Double hegemony?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006112215800}, year = 2006 } @book{Leyendecker:2004, author = {Leyendecker, Hans}, interhash = {0eaea0aa4b9becb29533c7acd65a5485}, intrahash = {cfd8b2e04c4148d3d110fd2db688772a}, isbn = {3-498-03920-2}, opac = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=119139359}, publisher = {Rowohlt Reinbek}, title = {Die Lügen des Weißen Hauses}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=119139359}, year = 2004 } @book{guttenberg2009, author = {zu Guttenberg, Karl-Theodor}, booktitle = { Verfassung und Verfassungsvertrag }, coverage = {475 S.}, interhash = {e1e3bafa476efc76a664180a5b81fdf5}, intrahash = {4096ef1cb445aeb120e4a16efda8a97f}, isbn = {978-3-428-12534-0}, note = { von Karl-Theodor Frhr zu Guttenberg }, publisher = { Duncker & Humblot }, publisherplace = {Berlin}, series = { Schriften zum internationalen Recht . - Berlin : Duncker u. Humblot;176 }, title = {Verfassung und Verfassungsvertrag, konstitutionelle Entwicklungsstufen in den USA und der EU }, year = {2009 } } @phdthesis{khan2006, author = {Khan, Mansur}, interhash = {5491d672533294ced3c07de57d1942ae}, intrahash = {32ca9b38517dea9af30ad2f2050ecb27}, opac = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006051211576}, title = {Der zweite Golfkrieg (1990-1991)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2006051211576}, year = 2006 } @phdthesis{khan2005b, author = {Khan, Mansur}, interhash = {c7ee2f8990040c537fd6b8d68d763fcf}, intrahash = {a194f3451afc68525a0c84e83ea5e2d7}, opac = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=178085561}, title = {Der zweite Golfkrieg (1990 - 1991): Verteidigung des Völkerrechts oder hegemoniales Bestreben?}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=178085561}, year = 2005 } @book{franzen2007anleitung, asin = {349923565X}, author = {Franzen, Jonathan}, ean = {9783499235658}, edition = 2, interhash = {e44ccb170e815a7ea5ac7e6203c4ce3a}, intrahash = {7c6c0333e8029de34bbecdbb01ec25ed}, isbn = {349923565X}, publisher = {rororo}, title = {Anleitung zum Alleinsein: Essays}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Anleitung-zum-Alleinsein-Jonathan-Franzen/dp/349923565X/ref=pd_sim_b_3}, year = 2007 } @article{gordon2007, abstract = {It can, but only if U.S. officials start to think clearly about what success in the war on terror would actually look like. Victory will come only when Washington succeeds in discrediting the terrorists' ideology and undermining their support. These achievements, in turn, will require accepting that the terrorist threat can never be eradicated completely and that acting as though it can will only make it worse.}, author = {Gordon, Philip H.}, interhash = {46bba43fffcfa5f1a3194268251099d4}, intrahash = {9ef960c1348ce92ea4433bb2a417477d}, journal = {Foreign Affairs}, month = {Nov.-Dez.}, number = 6, pages = {53-66}, title = {Can the War on Terror Be Won? How to Fight the Right War}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/20032508}, volume = 86, year = 2007 } @book{sklenicka:2009, abstract = {A profile of the late short-story master analyzes the myths and controversies attributed to his character and covers his struggles with alcohol, the role of a zealous editor in shaping his first collections, and his ability to portray the challenges of ordinary people.}, address = {New York}, author = {Sklenicka, Caro}, interhash = {464a7a68cb13b61a044e10a63e72eab8}, intrahash = {1bc93261e3164a0fe48cf41f51b24a58}, isbn = {9780743262453 074326245X 9780743262460 0743262468 9781439160589 1439160589}, publisher = {Scribner}, refid = {298777055}, title = {Raymond Carver : a writer's life}, url = {http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=9780743262460}, year = 2009 } @book{möller:2011, address = {Bad Langensalza}, author = {Möller, Jürgen}, interhash = {3b37fbe33443a77315a2fcca2da2907b}, intrahash = {1c6c3d7b9ee45caad17e33216d317bef}, isbn = {978-3-86777-257-0}, publisher = {Rockstuhl Verlag}, title = {Kampf um den Harz April 1945: Der Vorstoß des VII. US Corps durch das nördliche Eichsfeld, den West, Süd- und Ostharz und die Goldene Aue zur Saale und Elbe, die Besetzung von Nordhausen, die Befreiung des KZ Dora-Mittelbau und die Zerschlagung des Harzkessels}, year = 2011 } @book{weiner2012, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Weiner, Tim}, interhash = {b015217122b1dcbe89bfb03e4895dc03}, intrahash = {dc509aa921176e677b60108b3e98f6d3}, isbn = {3100910710 9783100910714}, publisher = {Fischer}, refid = {775109018}, title = {FBI: Die wahre Geschichte einer legendären Organisation}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/FBI-wahre-Geschichte-legendären-Organisation/dp/3100910710/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331654554&sr=8-1}, year = 2012 } @book{Memo768219, author = {Raab, Selwyn}, booktitle = { Five families }, coverage = {XVI, 765 S.}, interhash = {7ac4ef0bd17db5a18762b1f97e9a5d56}, intrahash = {364fc9e70be202b9f8da3fbc786f67c5}, isbn = {1-8610-5952-3}, note = { Selwyn Raab }, publisher = { Robson }, publisherplace = {London [u.a.]}, title = {Five families, the rise, decline, and resurgence of America's most powerful Mafia empires }, year = {2006 } } @book{didion2008magischen, address = {Berlin}, author = {Didion, Joan}, interhash = {da99436dafc78bfca75e5dc3b41e5518}, intrahash = {65a7433c5bb7b7f276a5ca46961977de}, isbn = {9783548607702 3548607705}, publisher = {List}, refid = {199270049}, title = {Das Jahr magischen Denkens}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Jahr-magischen-Denkens-Joan-Didion/dp/3548607705/ref=sr_1_sc_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1337689916&sr=1-2-spell}, year = 2008 }