@article{eerden1999carencomputer, author = {Eerden, W and Otten, E and May, G and Even-Zohar, O .}, interhash = {87c856139f095072d03e25b0ab35ab7a}, intrahash = {c045090c36169e49aeeb4cd78fb92daa}, title = {CarenComputer assisted rehabilitation environment}, year = 1999 } @article{everett1998creating, author = {Everett, S. and Wauchope and K.Pérez-Quiñones, M.}, interhash = {9213d596ea282dd204ce16c7503e4030}, intrahash = {14ab065b6b3d66b58678265fa01d6d5b}, title = {Creating Natural Language Interfaces to VR Systems: Experiences, Observations and Lessons Learned}, year = 1998 } @article{shawver1997virtual, author = {Shawver, D.}, interhash = {5471eff65347794cf64e9f1309f723d1}, intrahash = {4c2767f52bea7fd93a6b26164b63a415}, title = {Virtual actors and avatars in a flexible user-determined-scenario environment}, year = 1997 } @article{johnson1998integrating, author = {Johnson, W. Lewis and Rickel, Jeff and Stiles, Randy and Munro, Allen}, interhash = {2c49bc9d4cc82f3b4c6bb25dc66f315d}, intrahash = {b0b920c998f5c3c2f38f94dee23b819d}, title = {Integrating Pedagogical Agents into Virtual Environments}, year = 1998 } @phdthesis{macedonia1995network, author = {Macedonia, Michael R.}, interhash = {27a03b589760c17723019a847b36dca8}, intrahash = {621a17c872d1e6303f4dab04ed3d011e}, title = {a network software architecture for large scale virtual environments}, year = 1995 } @book{mcmenemy2007hitchhikers, abstract = {A Hitchhiker's Guide to Virtual Reality brings together under one cover all the aspects of graphics, video, audio, and haptics that have to work together to make virtual reality a reality. Like any good guide, it reveals the practical things you need to know, from the viewpoint of authors who have been there. This two-part guide covers the science, technology, and mathematics of virtual reality and then details its practical implementation. The first part looks at how the interface between human senses and technology works to create virtual reality, with a focus on vision, the most important s.}, address = {Wellesley, Mass.}, author = {McMenemy, Karen and Ferguson, Stuart}, interhash = {547195c0f6fc793c2874f37fca286ec7}, intrahash = {df083b96f86d4b42645861e87a12a9e8}, isbn = {9781568814773 1568814771}, publisher = {A K Peters}, refid = {850910508}, title = {A hitchhiker's guide to virtual reality}, url = {http://www.crcnetbase.com/isbn/9781568813035}, year = 2007 }