@incollection{Borys.2003, address = {Kassel}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, booktitle = {From muscles to music}, editor = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Wittenberg, Carsten}, interhash = {83605979ae14cccbb35d244be79ee872}, intrahash = {e90c27429f27972825d9be97c658f284}, isbn = {3933146879}, pages = {41–51}, publisher = {Kassel University Press}, series = {Kasseler Personalschriften}, title = {15 Years Research and Experiments in Aeronautics in the Laboratory for Human–Machine Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:0002-873}, volume = 1, year = 2003 } @book{Borys.1982, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Bro{\ss}, Franz and van der Giet, Gerd and Heim, Helmut and K{\"u}nzel, Hermann Josef and Sauer, Bernd and Unzicker, Raimund}, institution = {{Kriminalwissenschaftliches Institut}}, interhash = {31302f2c0dd81a83bcb8f7072217e5d6}, intrahash = {4a8ad94c86c3b662effd5e0a100dc77c}, publisher = {Bundeskriminalamt / Technische Forschung K I 2}, title = {Abschlu{\ss}bericht zum F{\"o}rdervorhaben des Bundesministers f{\"u}r Forschung und Technologie: ''Entwicklung eines Systems zur Erkennung nichtkooperativer Sprecher und zum Stimmvergleich in der Kriminalistik'' (Berichtszeitraum 01.10.1978 - 31.05.1982)}, year = 1982 } @incollection{Borys.b, address = {Bonn}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Hengstenberg, Oliver}, booktitle = {Anthropotechnik gestern - heute - morgen}, editor = {G{\"a}rtner, Klaus-Peter}, interhash = {5f1c097e7b0b07f6d751399debbf7c7a}, intrahash = {b90303df860ad87eecf0d9ec2523d9f8}, isbn = {3932182030}, pages = {215--230}, publisher = {DGLR}, series = {Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V}, title = {Aufgabenanalysen in der Vorfeldkontrolle und Disposition auf Verkehrsflugh{\"a}fen: (Bremen 1998)}, url = {http://www.uni-kassel.de/~borys/abstrcts.html}, urldate = {2009-03-16}, volume = 40, year = 1998 } @book{Borys.1988, address = {Kassel}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Fejes, Lajos and Johannsen, Gunnar and Sundstr{\"o}m, G. A. and Borchers, H. W. and Elzer, Peter F. and Weisang, Claus and Zinser, Klaus}, institution = {{Universit{\"a}t Kassel} and {Brown, Boveri {\&} Cie.}}, interhash = {d644d400ebbdcfd8da21db97e3ae83cc}, intrahash = {bd424358fe43a893521fc751cf4f3997}, series = {IMAT-Bericht / MMS}, title = {Concepts, Design and Prototype Implementation for an Intelligent Graphical Editor (IGE1)}, volume = {MMS-6}, year = 1988 } @inproceedings{Borys.2004, abstract = {Abstract: The paper describes an auditory interface using directional sound as a possible support for pilots during approach in an instrument landing scenario. Several ways of producing directional sounds are illustrated. One using speaker pairs and controlling power distribution between speakers is evaluated experimentally. Results show, that power alone is insufficient for positioning single isolated sound events, although discrimination in the horizontal plane performs better than in the vertical. Additional sound parameters to compensate for this are proposed. Abstract: The paper describes an auditory interface using directional sound as a possible support for pilots during approach in an instrument landing scenario. Several ways of producing directional sounds are illustrated. One using speaker pairs and controlling power distribution between speakers is evaluated experimentally. Results show, that power alone is insufficient for positioning single isolated sound events, although discrimination in the horizontal plane performs better than in the vertical. Additional sound parameters to compensate for this are proposed. }, address = {Oxford}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, booktitle = {Automated systems based on human skill and knowledge 2003}, editor = {Stahre, Johan and Mårtenson, Lena}, interhash = {bb7b53da8e1c8f420c1d23ab07d46bbb}, intrahash = {c6bce6a3d355ecd8e82decf5f9394529}, pages = {129–134}, publisher = {Elsevier}, title = {Evaluation of auditory displays supporting aircraft approach and landing}, url = {http://kobra.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/handle/urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-200603087236}, year = 2004 } @incollection{Borys.2001b, address = {Lyngby}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, booktitle = {Human Decision Making and Manual Control}, editor = {Lind, Morten}, interhash = {f0a3863453903aa9463dbed4118ab4d9}, intrahash = {980513b85379f1c42f832531ae5db18d}, isbn = {8787950898}, publisher = {DTU}, series = {European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control}, title = {Hardware, Software, and Experiments for Auditory Displays}, volume = 20, year = 2001 } @inproceedings{Johannsen.1986, address = {Oxford}, author = {Johannsen, Gunnar and Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, booktitle = {Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems}, editor = {Mancini, Guiseppe and Johannsen, Gunnar and M{\r{a}}rtenson, Lena}, interhash = {d85032cf14be4158470a50160c3a3d0c}, intrahash = {5868eea53fb1f709fee809c9f34239ed}, pages = {91--97}, publisher = {Pergamon Press}, title = {Investigation of Display Contents and Decision Support in a Rule-Based Fault Correction Task}, year = 1986 } @book{Johannsen.1989, address = {Kassel}, author = {Johannsen, Gunnar and Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Sundstr{\"o}m, G. A. and Fejes, Lajos and Str{\"a}tz, Gerd}, institution = {{Universit{\"a}t Kassel}}, interhash = {cf357af49491bb88b174b98ddfb1c7c0}, intrahash = {e4c7e5fbeb75f0f17fd8e1f609c40f9a}, series = {IMAT-Bericht / MMS}, title = {Issues of Design Support and User Modelling for Intelligent Graphical Editors, and Presentation System: ESPRIT-Gradient-P857 Report WP4+11-UKS-055}, volume = {MMS-8}, year = 1989 } @techreport{Borys.1978, address = {Hannover}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Hecker, Eric}, institution = {{Lehrstuhl und Institut für Allgemeine Nachrichtentechnik, Technische Universität Hannover}}, interhash = {16165dafc01ed4e9f3c0c6d9de125005}, intrahash = {d8a2016584d432b72474316dff9adbe8}, series = {Forschungsbericht / Lehrstuhl und Institut für Allgemeine Nachrichtentechnik, Technische Universität Hannover}, title = {Katalog gemessener relativer Mono-, Bi- und Trigrammhäufigkeiten in Texten deutscher Schriftsprache}, year = 1978 } @book{Hengstenberg.2003, address = {Kassel}, author = {Hengstenberg, Oliver and Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Gudehus, Thomas C.}, interhash = {31325f9f0bf468c3aae09992ab30a90c}, intrahash = {ee77780771a82f6c48c65345adf5000c}, isbn = {978-3899580266}, publisher = {Kassel University Press and Kassel Univ. Press}, series = {IMAT-Bericht / MMS}, title = {Kooperativer Flughafenbetrieb: Abschlussbericht zum DFG-Forschungsvorhaben ''Kooperative Planung und Disposition mit dem Ziel einer optimalen Nutzung vorhandener Flughafenkapazit{\"a}ten''}, volume = 20, year = 2003 } @misc{Borys.2007, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, interhash = {aff723972fea8b52b3ed587a70a7c132}, intrahash = {30010dcafc5a3794ef622664d7bcf4a9}, title = {Microsoft's Flight Simulator and DirectX to Drive Auditory Displays in a Cockpit Mockup: Poster: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting (Braunschweig 2007)}, year = 2007 } @proceedings{Borys.1997, address = {Kassel}, editor = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Johannsen, Gunnar and Wittenberg, Carsten and Str{\"a}tz, Gerd}, institution = {{Universit{\"a}t Kassel}}, interhash = {1f53b64020a0ca1822695c20f4b0ef73}, intrahash = {57181e98be609cd6ed11d08c4f87e6f7}, publisher = {Fachgebiet Mensch-Maschine-Systeme der Universit{\"a}t Kassel}, series = {IMAT-Bericht / MMS}, title = {Proceedings of the 16th European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control}, url = {http://repository.tudelft.nl/assets/uuid:26e1c5fb-b300-4ddd-b601-de350903f6e6/XVI%20European%20Annual%20Conference%20on%20Human%20Decision%20Making%20and%20Manual%20Control.pdf}, volume = 19, year = 1997 } @misc{Borys.c, address = {Kassel}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, institution = {{Universit{\"a}t Kassel}}, interhash = {7b104d3467f791c0ea42a310560396ed}, intrahash = {f6480f76e02918632817fddd83cafdbc}, number = {P857-WP2-UKS-025}, series = {ESPRIT-Gradient Project P857}, title = {Report from the 1986 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Atlanta, Georgia, October 14 to 17, 1986 and the visit to Research Laboratories in the United States, October 20 to November 7, 1986.}, urldate = {2011-03-03}, year = 1987 } @mastersthesis{Borys.1977, address = {Hannover}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, interhash = {4afb7ce9ea0fa591a7f25a3ac86529ef}, intrahash = {30517b686141f9acb34cd2abdf853737}, publisher = {Institut für Allgemeine Nachrichtentechnik}, school = {{Universität Hannover}}, title = {Software für den Feldrechner APS}, year = 1977 } @inproceedings{Borys.2000b, address = {Luxembourg}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Gudehus, Thomas C.}, booktitle = {EAM 2000}, editor = {Cacciabue, P. C.}, interhash = {67fa34d7927e0df3c6933f4334a2b476}, intrahash = {c41d2970f4e48f37ab2779adede28f14}, isbn = {9282895831}, publisher = {Off. for Publ. of the Europ. Communities}, series = {European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control}, title = {Supporting Co-operative Work in Apron Control and Resource Management Offices on Airports: (Ispra 2000)}, url = {http://kobra.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/handle/urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-200603167623}, urldate = {2009-03-16}, volume = 19, year = 2000 } @book{Adamczak.2005, address = {Kassel}, author = {Adamczak, Wolfgang and Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, interhash = {8e0eb9debb0d44d02565b3343828a56c}, intrahash = {93e037efbb6129be16f6d5bcdcb16edb}, publisher = {Forschungsreferat der Universität Kassel}, title = {Tagungshandbuch: Hinweise und Anregungen zur Organisation von Tagungen}, year = 2005 } @book{Adamczak.2011, abstract = {Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation ist durch das Internet zwar viel leichter geworden, sie lebt aber dennoch auch davon, dass Menschen sich nicht nur per E-Mail, sondern im persönlichen Dialog verständigen. Wenn Sie also in der scientific community zu Hause sind und die Idee haben, Fachkolleginnen und Fachkollegen einzuladen oder wenn Sie gefragt werden, ob Sie nicht die nächste Konferenz an Ihrer Hochschule ausrichten wollen, dann soll Ihnen diese kleine Broschüre dabei helfen.}, author = {Adamczak, Wolfgang and Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, edition = {3. Auflage}, interhash = {99992d96b98766ae725d7a503eb5bd40}, intrahash = {10c6e1b8bd5a5c430ffa11cb602af6e2}, publisher = {Universität Kassel, Forschungsreferat}, title = {Tagungshandbuch: Hinweise und Anregungen zur Organisation von Tagungen}, url = {http://cms.uni-kassel.de/unicms/index.php?id=27413}, year = 2011 } @incollection{Borys.2003b, address = {Bonn}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, booktitle = {Entscheidungsunterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r die Fahrzeug- und Prozessf{\"u}hrung}, editor = {Grandt, Morten}, interhash = {0a912b1988defea1be9545d82aabb197}, intrahash = {1cfe68419c109c1c6cbc3138673a6f57}, isbn = {3932182332}, pages = {41--52}, publisher = {DGLR}, series = {Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V}, title = {Unterst{\"u}tzung von Flugf{\"u}hrungsaufgaben durch gerichtete auditive Anzeigen: (Neubiberg 2003)}, volume = 45, year = 2003 } @incollection{Borys.1995, address = {Berlin}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard and Tiemann, Markus}, booktitle = {Verl{\"a}{\ss}lichkeit von Mensch-Maschine-Systemen}, editor = {Willumeit, Hans-Peter and Kolrep, Harald and Bierwagen, Thomas}, interhash = {904d6f3a77a4080ccb2896c03a13499c}, intrahash = {f25430dcbf41abfd1c822dc970d0ef30}, isbn = {3798316503}, pages = {139--153}, publisher = {TU Univ.-Bibliothek Abt. Publ.}, series = {ZMMS-Spektrum}, title = {Verringerung der Belastung von Piloten durch Ver{\"a}nderte Aufgabenteilung zwischen Mensch und Maschine}, volume = 1, year = 1995 } @inproceedings{Borys., address = {Bonn}, author = {Borys, Bernd-Burkhard}, booktitle = {Analyse- und Entwurfswerkzeuge f{\"u}r komplexe Mensch-Maschine-Systeme}, editor = {G{\"a}rtner, Klaus-Peter}, interhash = {d749702bce18c4011ebc9f844a7a0c0c}, intrahash = {c99586e60177350d220670fe6c266683}, isbn = {3922010644}, pages = {101--110}, publisher = {DGLR}, series = {Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V}, title = {Wissensbasierte Unterst{\"u}tzung beim Entwurf von Leitwartenbildern: (Hamburg 1990)}, volume = 33, year = 1991 }