@article{genova2010is, abstract = {Reflections on the (experimental) scientific method in computer science.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {G\'{e}nova, Gonzalo}, doi = {10.1145/1785414.1785431}, interhash = {be47f9b16773e048c3bc8c8c4060b134}, intrahash = {5afbbcfed1b9a1a4a98233fa42c0def4}, issn = {0001-0782}, journal = {Commun. ACM}, number = 7, pages = {37--39}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Is computer science truly scientific?}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1785431}, volume = 53, year = 2010 } @book{jurafsky2000speech, asin = {0130950696}, author = {Jurafsky, Daniel and Martin, James H.}, dewey = {410.285}, ean = {9780130950697}, edition = 1, interhash = {ae1205b1f526d068fc9364510bf99418}, intrahash = {25110e6691b5ee9dbe97216ce087487f}, isbn = {0130950696}, note = {neue Auflage kommt im Frühjahr 2008}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, title = {Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition (Prentice Hall Series in Artificial Intelligence)}, url = {http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html%3FASIN=0130950696%26tag=ws%26lcode=xm2%26cID=2025%26ccmID=165953%26location=/o/ASIN/0130950696%253FSubscriptionId=13CT5CVB80YFWJEPWS02}, year = 2000 }