@article{raysonecember2008from, abstract = {This paper reports the extension of the key words method for the comparison of corpora. Using automatic tagging software that assigns part-of-speech and semantic field (domain) tags, a method is described which permits the extraction of key domains by applying the keyness calculation to tag frequency lists. The combination of the key words and key domains methods is shown to allow macroscopic analysis (the study of the characteristics of whole texts or varieties of language) to inform the microscopic level (focussing on the use of a particular linguistic feature) and thereby suggesting those linguistic features which should be investigated further. The resulting 'data-driven' approach presented here combines elements of both the 'corpus-based' and 'corpus-driven' paradigms in corpus linguistics. A web-based tool, Wmatrix, implementing the proposed method is applied in a case study: the comparison of UK 2001 general election manifestos of the Labour and Liberal Democratic parties.}, author = {Rayson, Paul}, doi = {10.1075/ijcl.13.4.06ray}, groups = {public}, interhash = {dff324bd5ca64c55a2e491e439a7b5c8}, intrahash = {753a948e9239f56f7d29b1d24bebb2a9}, journal = {International Journal of Corpus Linguistics}, journalpub = {1}, pages = {519-549(31)}, title = {From key words to key semantic domains}, url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/jbp/ijcl/2008/00000013/00000004/art00005}, username = {dbenz}, volume = 13, year = 2008 } @article{clark2004extensions, author = {Clark, J.M. and Paivio, A.}, interhash = {0fbf241dfa786fd8d3752ab7a82c85b6}, intrahash = {e2c4d79f655c0d8e6579c1d44212a73e}, issn = {1554-3528}, journal = {Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, \& Computers}, number = 3, pages = 371, publisher = {Psychonomic Society Publications}, title = {Extensions of the Paivio, Yuille, and Madigan (1968) norms}, url = {http://scholar.google.de/scholar.bib?q=info:CzAMgvcRAbwJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=de&as_sdt=2000&as_vis=1&ct=citation&cd=0}, volume = 36, year = 2004 } @article{campos1992imagery, author = {Campos, A. and Gonz{\'a}lez, M.A.}, interhash = {0f73a2467298724fc509eaeab8fb24c6}, intrahash = {ea92197eb5aadc2b0792c137125ca6c7}, issn = {0031-5125}, journal = {Perceptual and motor skills}, number = {3 Pt 1}, pages = 691, title = {Imagery, concreteness, emotionality, and meaningfulness values of words: replication and extension.}, url = {http://scholar.google.de/scholar.bib?q=info:yz8nXOXQIlcJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=de&as_sdt=2000&as_vis=1&ct=citation&cd=0}, volume = 74, year = 1992 } @article{paivio1966word, abstract = {Research with adults has shown that paired-associate (PA) learning of nouns, with abstractness-concreteness of the words simultaneously varied on both sides of pairs, is facilitated by concreteness, and this effect is greater on the stimulus than on the response side. The problem was investigated further in the present study with fourth-, sixth-, and eighth-grade children. Since concreteness has been found to correlate with meaningfulness (m), data were first obtained on the m of 32 concrete and 32 abstract, high-frequency nouns. At all three grade levels, the m of concrete nouns was higher than that of abstract nouns, and the words significantly retained their m rank across grades. Four comparable versions of a 16-pair list were constructed from 32 of the nouns, each list including 4 pairs of each possible S-R combination, i.e., concrete-concrete, concrete-abstract, abstract-concrete, and abstract-abstract. Groups of Sa were auditorially presented 4 alternating study trials and recall trials with a list. Analysis of the recall scores for Ss from each of three schools showed that recall increased with grade, and that positive effects of concreteness were generally greater on the stimulus than on the response side of pairs. The differential effect favoring stimulus over response concreteness was, however, smaller than in the earlier research with adults, and somewhat inconsistent across schools.}, author = {Paivio, Allan and Yuille, John C.}, doi = {10.1016/0022-0965(66)90052-X}, interhash = {efafcdcdb8e77d732ad7e01fd17e7f1e}, intrahash = {42cc29fa197bdbcf13e400cb8d83955e}, issn = {0022-0965}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Child Psychology}, number = 1, pages = {81 - 89}, title = {Word abstractness and meaningfulness, and paired-associate learning in children}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WJ9-4D706XW-KC/2/97aaad65d1601b8dd62be7558e3ac34f}, volume = 4, year = 1966 } @book{brown1968words, asin = {0029048109}, author = {Brown, Roger}, dewey = {400}, ean = {9780029048108}, interhash = {3001926c898617d6a1ad3c6a5c9fb933}, intrahash = {241b4f3fe241cad5fbcd6a63932679f7}, isbn = {0029048109}, publisher = {Free Press}, title = {Words and Things}, url = {http://www.amazon.com/Words-Things-Roger-Brown/dp/0029048109}, year = 1968 }