@manual{openstage40doku, editor = {Siemens}, interhash = {6e7c4cccc22e0a129f9523ab050c4bdf}, intrahash = {22e31a3d65a04c80d006757322def7a7}, title = {Dokumentation HiPath 8000 OpenStage 40 OpenStage 40 G OpenStage Key Module 40 Bedienungsanleitung}, url = {http://cms.uni-kassel.de/unicms/fileadmin/groups/w_010200/Doku/Bedienungsanleitung_OpenStage_40_SIP.pdf}, year = 2008 } @article{spring2011springframework, author = {Spring}, editor = {Spring}, interhash = {d944c559f23adf81d6a7a238c2e9f57b}, intrahash = {988fc879ea3f5ffa46824f4cb124f782}, title = {Springframework Reference Manual 3.1}, year = 2011 } @book{Brians.2009, author = {Brians, P.}, interhash = {d237a5d125a99e9fa275ede77684a080}, intrahash = {57de44795c98f1df16e46f8b644e53cd}, month = {2}, publisher = {Franklin Beedle & Associates}, title = {Common Errors in English Usage}, year = 2009 } @book{Davis.1997, abstract = {Provides an overview of the doctoral dissertation management approach and offers guidance for selecting a topic and planning and writing the dissertation.}, author = {Davis, G. B. and Parker, C. A.}, edition = 2, interhash = {8e0f8fb29082a0f8508d70cff7c3d46c}, intrahash = {fe68b12fec6578df70d140c837a5ae85}, publisher = {Barrons Educ Series}, title = {Writing the Doctoral Disseration: A Systematic Approach}, year = 1997 } @book{Corbin.2008, abstract = {"With its storytelling and conversational approach, what might be dry becomes a stimulating and engaging read - even for the experienced researcher. This edition has been enriched in multiple ways. This classic introduction to qualitative method and practice is a pleasurable and rewarding read for the novice and experienced researcher alike." -- Anne Cooper Moore 20091117}, author = {Corbin, J. M. and Strauss, A. L.}, edition = 3, interhash = {69d726259ea396ba0febe029c64c20c6}, intrahash = {709a5a12a4298e53c7f233a68fe5a9cd}, publisher = {Sage Publ.}, title = {Basics of qualitative research}, year = 2008 } @book{AmericanPsychologicalAssociation.2009, edition = 6, editor = {Association, American Psychological}, interhash = {1178fb6b91926cd002bb6f03ccc6591b}, intrahash = {493d143e77afa33554b2f69086820f6a}, publisher = {American Psychological Association}, title = {Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association}, year = 2009 } @unpublished{weka368, author = {et. al., Frank Eibe}, interhash = {4bc48e5a6a72026986422fa96fe2816c}, intrahash = {5ad6dfed8c63f6474c3be7460bce6651}, title = {WEKA Manual for Version 3-6-0}, year = 2008 } @inproceedings{yan2007efficient, abstract = {This paper investigates new approaches to improve the efficiency of manual image annotation and help users to produce better annotation results in a given amount of time. Although important in practice, this issue has rarely been studied in a quantitative way before. To achieve this, we first propose two time models to analyze the annotation process for two popular manual annotation approaches, i.e., tagging and browsing. The complementary properties of these approaches have inspired us to merge them to develop a hybrid annotation algorithms called frequency-based annotation. Our experiments on large-scale multimedia collections have shown that the proposed algorithm can achieve an up to 40% annotation time reduction compared with the baseline methods. In other words, it can produce considerably better results using the same annotation time.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Yan, Rong and Natsev, Apostol and Campbell, Murray}, booktitle = {MS '07: Workshop on multimedia information retrieval on The many faces of multimedia semantics}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1290067.1290071}, interhash = {1a048b875619d59a0de9a4032ae1d261}, intrahash = {1d7576ba07bc556dad666c85626cd91e}, isbn = {978-1-59593-782-7}, location = {Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany}, pages = {13--20}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {An efficient manual image annotation approach based on tagging and browsing}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1290071}, year = 2007 } @book{Goossens2000dlb, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, author = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and Samarin, Alexander}, interhash = {0c2d41f0ea5d85b274e587acd5f2d3d6}, intrahash = {ea0a11580dbb338658832c814f7e0e8a}, isbn = {3-89139-646-3}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {Der \LaTeX-Begleiter}, year = 1994 } @book{kopka:1988, address = {Bonn, Paris}, author = {Kopka, Helmut}, interhash = {658978437b7066a30eb4c99217614e43}, intrahash = {63f3d07bde44fa03dbe6f3c9fb1356ef}, isbn = {3-89319-434-7}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {\LaTeX: Eine Einführung}, year = 1992 } @manual{schmidt2003latex, author = {Schmidt, Walter and Knappen, Jörg and Partl, Hubert and Hyna, Irene}, interhash = {5b1af6d60fb8bb5a25b587fe7f096021}, intrahash = {635e6f9622022219533ce6a10ae8766f}, title = {\LaTeX-2$_\varepsilon$-Kurzbeschreibung}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/german/l2kurz.pdf}, year = 2003 }