@inproceedings{baur2007generating, abstract = {The modeling of realistic networks is of great importance for modern complex systems research. Previous procedures typically model the natural growth of networks by means of iteratively adding nodes, geometric positioning information, a definition of link connectivity based on the preference for nearest neighbors or already highly connected nodes, or combine several of these approaches. Our novel model is based on the well-know concept of k-cores, originally introduced in social network analysis. Recent studies exposed the significant k-core structure of several real world systems, e.g. the AS network of the Internet. We present a simple and efficient method for generating networks which strictly adhere to the characteristics of a given k-core structure, called core fingerprint. We show-case our algorithm in a comparative evaluation with two well-known AS network generators. }, author = {Baur, Michael and Gaertler, Marco and Görke, Robert and Krug, Marcus and Wagner, Dorothea}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems}, interhash = {387eebb80bbfaafab5ac201c88ebd263}, intrahash = {e2fef8dce15087afbcc3489f2029d2c6}, month = oct, title = {Generating Graphs with Predefined k-Core Structure}, url = {http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bggkw-ggpcs-07.pdf}, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{conf/pkdd/AkogluF09, author = {Akoglu, Leman and Faloutsos, Christos}, booktitle = {ECML/PKDD (1)}, crossref = {conf/pkdd/2009-1}, date = {2009-08-31}, editor = {Buntine, Wray L. and Grobelnik, Marko and Mladenic, Dunja and Shawe-Taylor, John}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04180-8_13}, interhash = {41cfe5a9af68deacdf3881536d5f1e0d}, intrahash = {3af4a53fd0b650b6914f89a208bdc753}, isbn = {978-3-642-04179-2}, pages = {13-28}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {RTG: A Recursive Realistic Graph Generator Using Random Typing.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/pkdd/pkdd2009-1.html#AkogluF09}, volume = 5781, year = 2009 } @article{matthew2008average, abstract = {I examine a random network model where nodes are categorized by type and linking probabilities can differ across types. I show that as homophily increases (so that the probability to link to other nodes of the same type increases and the probabilityof linking to nodes of some other types decreases) the average distance and diameter of the network are unchanged, while theaverage clustering in the network increases.}, author = {Jackson, Matthew}, interhash = {7dcf5d69eb68585d67809b97ce012135}, intrahash = {ea2e9e1e4c15f13d53bb374fc9c574a4}, journal = {Internet and Network Economics}, pages = {4--11}, title = {Average Distance, Diameter, and Clustering in Social Networks with Homophily}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-92185-1_3}, year = 2008 }