@inproceedings{lorince2014supertagger, author = {Lorince, Jared and Zorowitz, Sam and Murdock, Jaimie and Todd, Peter}, interhash = {4af29810e9c882dc18f560527c65de2f}, intrahash = {014abc7dc30e38859c5e8605dce1a8f6}, title = {“Supertagger” Behavior in Building Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @inproceedings{lipczak2010impact, abstract = {Collaborative tagging systems are popular tools for organization, sharing and retrieval of web resources. Their success is due to their freedom and simplicity of use. To post a resource, the user should only define a set of tags that would position the resource in the system's data structure -- folksonomy. This data structure can serve as a rich source of information about relations between tags and concepts they represent. To make use of information collaboratively added to folksonomies, we need to understand how users make tagging decisions. Three factors that are believed to influence user tagging decisions are: the tags used by other users, the organization of user's personal repository and the knowledge model shared between users. In our work we examine the role of another potential factor -- resource title. Despite all the advantages of tags, tagging is a tedious process. To minimize the effort, users are likely to tag with keywords that are easily available. We show that resource title, as a source of useful tags, is easy to access and comprehend. Given a choice of two tags with the same meaning, users are likely to be influenced by their presence in the title. However, a factor that seems to have stronger impact on users' tagging decisions is maintaining the consistency of the personal profile of tags. The results of our study reveal a new, less idealistic picture of collaborative tagging systems, in which the collaborative aspect seems to be less important than personal gains and convenience.}, acmid = {1810648}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Lipczak, Marek and Milios, Evangelos}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia}, doi = {10.1145/1810617.1810648}, interhash = {a999b5f2eace0cd75028e57261afe3d7}, intrahash = {71dd1a473eaf0af9840758653746c221}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0041-4}, location = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada}, numpages = {10}, pages = {179--188}, publisher = {ACM}, series = {HT '10}, title = {The Impact of Resource Title on Tags in Collaborative Tagging Systems}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1810617.1810648}, year = 2010 } @inproceedings{jaeschke2009testing, abstract = {The challenge to provide tag recommendations for collaborative tagging systems has attracted quite some attention of researchers lately. However, most research focused on the evaluation and development of appropriate methods rather than tackling the practical challenges of how to integrate recommendation methods into real tagging systems, record and evaluate their performance. In this paper we describe the tag recommendation framework we developed for our social bookmark and publication sharing system BibSonomy. With the intention to develop, test, and evaluate recommendation algorithms and supporting cooperation with researchers, we designed the framework to be easily extensible, open for a variety of methods, and usable independent from BibSonomy. Furthermore, this paper presents a �rst evaluation of two exemplarily deployed recommendation methods.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Jäschke, Robert and Eisterlehner, Folke and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {RecSys '09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems}, interhash = {440fafda1eccf4036066f457eb6674a0}, intrahash = {1320904b208d53bd5d49e751cbfcc268}, location = {New York, NY, USA}, note = {(to appear)}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Testing and Evaluating Tag Recommenders in a Live System}, year = 2009 } @inproceedings{mueller2013recommendations, abstract = {With the rising popularity of smart mobile devices, sensor data-based applications have become more and more popular. Their users record data during their daily routine or specifically for certain events. The application WideNoise Plus allows users to record sound samples and to annotate them with perceptions and tags. The app is being used to document and map the soundscape all over the world. The procedure of recording, including the assignment of tags, has to be as easy-to-use as possible. We therefore discuss the application of tag recommender algorithms in this particular scenario. We show, that this task is fundamentally different from the well-known tag recommendation problem in folksonomies as users do no longer tag fix resources but rather sensory data and impressions. The scenario requires efficient recommender algorithms that are able to run on the mobile device, since Internet connectivity cannot be assumed to be available. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of several tag recommendation algorithms and discuss their applicability in the mobile sensing use-case.}, address = {Aachen, Germany}, author = {Mueller, Juergen and Doerfel, Stephan and Becker, Martin and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {Recommender Systems and the Social Web Workshop at 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2013, Hong Kong, China -- October 12-16, 2013. Proceedings}, interhash = {23d1cf49208d9a0c8b883dc69d4e444d}, intrahash = {2bab3f013052bc741e795c5c61aea5c9}, issn = {1613-0073}, publisher = {CEUR-WS}, title = {Tag Recommendations for SensorFolkSonomies}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1066/}, volume = 1066, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{mueller2013recommendations, abstract = {With the rising popularity of smart mobile devices, sensor data-based applications have become more and more popular. Their users record data during their daily routine or specifically for certain events. The application WideNoise Plus allows users to record sound samples and to annotate them with perceptions and tags. The app is being used to document and map the soundscape all over the world. The procedure of recording, including the assignment of tags, has to be as easy-to-use as possible. We therefore discuss the application of tag recommender algorithms in this particular scenario. We show, that this task is fundamentally different from the well-known tag recommendation problem in folksonomies as users do no longer tag fix resources but rather sensory data and impressions. The scenario requires efficient recommender algorithms that are able to run on the mobile device, since Internet connectivity cannot be assumed to be available. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of several tag recommendation algorithms and discuss their applicability in the mobile sensing use-case.}, author = {Mueller, Juergen and Doerfel, Stephan and Becker, Martin and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {Recommender Systems and the Social Web Workshop at 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2013, Hong Kong, China -- October 12-16, 2013. Proceedings}, interhash = {23d1cf49208d9a0c8b883dc69d4e444d}, intrahash = {6190d6064dfdb3b8d71f2898539e993e}, note = {accepted for publication}, pages = {New York, NY, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Tag Recommendations for SensorFolkSonomies}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{mueller2013recommendations, abstract = {With the rising popularity of smart mobile devices, sensor data-based applications have become more and more popular. Their users record data during their daily routine or specifically for certain events. The application WideNoise Plus allows users to record sound samples and to annotate them with perceptions and tags. The app is being used to document and map the soundscape all over the world. The procedure of recording, including the assignment of tags, has to be as easy-to-use as possible. We therefore discuss the application of tag recommender algorithms in this particular scenario. We show, that this task is fundamentally different from the well-known tag recommendation problem in folksonomies as users do no longer tag fix resources but rather sensory data and impressions. The scenario requires efficient recommender algorithms that are able to run on the mobile device, since Internet connectivity cannot be assumed to be available. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of several tag recommendation algorithms and discuss their applicability in the mobile sensing use-case.}, author = {Mueller, Juergen and Doerfel, Stephan and Becker, Martin and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd}, booktitle = {Recommender Systems and the Social Web Workshop at 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2013, Hong Kong, China -- October 12-16, 2013. Proceedings}, interhash = {23d1cf49208d9a0c8b883dc69d4e444d}, intrahash = {6190d6064dfdb3b8d71f2898539e993e}, note = {accepted for publication}, pages = {New York, NY, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Tag Recommendations for SensorFolkSonomies}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{heckner2009personal, address = {San Jose, CA, USA}, author = {Heckner, Markus and Heilemann, Michael and Wolff, Christian}, booktitle = {Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM)}, interhash = {f954e699dc6ca2d0abbe5f6ebe166dc7}, intrahash = {d1074484ea350ad88400fe4fc6984874}, month = may, title = {Personal Information Management vs. Resource Sharing: Towards a Model of Information Behaviour in Social Tagging Systems}, year = 2009 } @techreport{doerfel2014course, abstract = {Social tagging systems have established themselves as an important part in today's web and have attracted the interest from our research community in a variety of investigations. The overall vision of our community is that simply through interactions with the system, i.e., through tagging and sharing of resources, users would contribute to building useful semantic structures as well as resource indexes using uncontrolled vocabulary not only due to the easy-to-use mechanics. Henceforth, a variety of assumptions about social tagging systems have emerged, yet testing them has been difficult due to the absence of suitable data. In this work we thoroughly investigate three available assumptions - e.g., is a tagging system really social? - by examining live log data gathered from the real-world public social tagging system BibSonomy. Our empirical results indicate that while some of these assumptions hold to a certain extent, other assumptions need to be reflected and viewed in a very critical light. Our observations have implications for the design of future search and other algorithms to better reflect the actual user behavior.}, author = {Doerfel, Stephan and Zoller, Daniel and Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, interhash = {65f287480af20fc407f7d26677f17b72}, intrahash = {e360f0bd207806e72305efe16491ebe3}, note = {cite arxiv:1401.0629}, title = {Of course we share! Testing Assumptions about Social Tagging Systems}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.0629}, year = 2014 } @article{cimiano05learning, author = {Cimiano, Philipp and Hotho, Andreas and Staab, Steffen}, ee = {http://www.jair.org/papers/paper1648.html}, interhash = {4c09568cff62babd362aab03095f4589}, intrahash = {eaaf0e4b3a8b29fab23b6c15ce2d308d}, journal = {Journal on Artificial Intelligence Research}, pages = {305-339}, title = {Learning Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora using Formal Concept Analysis}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/jair/jair24.html#CimianoHS05}, volume = 24, year = 2005 } @mastersthesis{bottger2012konzept, abstract = {Kollaborative Verschlagwortungssysteme bieten Nutzern die Möglichkeit zur freien Verschlagwortung von Ressourcen im World Wide Web. Sie ermöglichen dem Nutzer beliebige Ressourcen mit frei wählbaren Schlagwörtern – so genannten Tags – zu versehen (Social Tagging). Im weiteren Sinne ist Social Tagging nichts anderes als das Indexieren von Ressourcen durch die Nutzenden selbst. Dabei sind die Tag-Zuordnungen für den einzelnen Nutzer und für die gesamte Community in vielerlei Hinsicht hilfreich. So können durch Tags persönliche Ideen oder Wertungen für eine Ressource ausgedrückt werden. Außerdem können Tags als Kommunikationsmittel von den Nutzern oder Nutzergruppen untereinander verwendet werden. Tags helfen zudem bei der Navigation, beim Suchen und beim zufälligen Entdecken von neuen Ressourcen. Das Verschlagworten der Ressourcen ist für unbedarfte Anwender eine kognitiv anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Als Unterstützung können Tag-Recommender eingesetzt werden, die Nutzern passende Tags vorschlagen sollen. UniVideo ist das Videoportal der Universität Kassel, das jedem Mitglied der Hochschule ermöglicht Videos bereitzustellen und weltweit über das WWW abrufbar zu machen. Die bereitgestellten Videos müssen von ihren Eigentümern beim Hochladen verschlagwortet werden. Die dadurch entstehende Struktur dient wiederum als Grundlage für die Navigation in UniVideo. In dieser Arbeit werden vier verschiedene Ansätze für Tag-Recommender theoretisch diskutiert und deren praktische Umsetzung für UniVideo untersucht und bewertet. Dabei werden zunächst die Grundlagen des Social Taggings erläutert und der Aufbau von UniVideo erklärt, bevor die Umsetzung der vier einzelnen Tag-Recommender beschrieben wird. Anschließend wird gezeigt wie aus den einzelnen Tag-Recommendern durch Verschmelzung ein hybrider Tag-Recommender umgesetzt werden kann.}, address = {Kassel}, author = {Böttger, Sebastian}, interhash = {8fd8ce9278d61f8bd5292d7aeab9aacd}, intrahash = {3c2ffd52e7081b66bf420f993d9144bb}, month = {04}, school = {Universität Kassel}, title = {Konzept und Umsetzung eines Tag-Recommenders für Video-Ressourcen am Beispiel UniVideo}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {http://www.uni-kassel.de/~seboettg/ba-thesis.pdf}, year = 2012 } @inproceedings{abrams1998information, acmid = {274651}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Abrams, David and Baecker, Ron and Chignell, Mark}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, doi = {10.1145/274644.274651}, interhash = {fbb2704604de0954b432c8615a0abf5b}, intrahash = {a9a25a144cec844bcd7daeace4a548aa}, isbn = {0-201-30987-4}, location = {Los Angeles, California, USA}, numpages = {8}, pages = {41--48}, publisher = {ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.}, series = {CHI '98}, title = {Information archiving with bookmarks: personal Web space construction and organization}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/274644.274651}, year = 1998 } @phdthesis{jaschke2011formal, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Jäschke, Robert}, interhash = {dcb2cd1cd72ae45d77c4d8755d199405}, intrahash = {bad02a0bbbf066907ecdee0ecaf9fb80}, isbn = {1-60750-707-2}, publisher = {Akad. Verl.-Ges. AKA}, series = {Dissertations in artificial intelligence}, title = {Formal concept analysis and tag recommendations in collaborative tagging systems}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=231779038}, volume = 332, year = 2011 } @phdthesis{jaschke2011formal, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Jäschke, Robert}, interhash = {dcb2cd1cd72ae45d77c4d8755d199405}, intrahash = {bad02a0bbbf066907ecdee0ecaf9fb80}, isbn = {1-60750-707-2}, publisher = {Akad. Verl.-Ges. AKA}, series = {Dissertations in artificial intelligence}, title = {Formal concept analysis and tag recommendations in collaborative tagging systems}, url = {http://opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/DB=1/PPN?PPN=231779038}, volume = 332, year = 2011 } @incollection{singer2014folksonomies, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @article{landia2013deeper, abstract = {The information contained in social tagging systems is often modelled as a graph of connections between users, items and tags. Recommendation algorithms such as FolkRank, have the potential to leverage complex relationships in the data, corresponding to multiple hops in the graph. We present an in-depth analysis and evaluation of graph models for social tagging data and propose novel adaptations and extensions of FolkRank to improve tag recommendations. We highlight implicit assumptions made by the widely used folksonomy model, and propose an alternative and more accurate graph-representation of the data. Our extensions of FolkRank address the new item problem by incorporating content data into the algorithm, and significantly improve prediction results on unpruned datasets. Our adaptations address issues in the iterative weight spreading calculation that potentially hinder FolkRank's ability to leverage the deep graph as an information source. Moreover, we evaluate the benefit of considering each deeper level of the graph, and present important insights regarding the characteristics of social tagging data in general. Our results suggest that the base assumption made by conventional weight propagation methods, that closeness in the graph always implies a positive relationship, does not hold for the social tagging domain.}, author = {Landia, Nikolas and Doerfel, Stephan and Jäschke, Robert and Anand, Sarabjot Singh and Hotho, Andreas and Griffiths, Nathan}, interhash = {e8095b13630452ce3ecbae582f32f4bc}, intrahash = {e585a92994be476480545eb62d741642}, journal = {cs.IR}, title = {Deeper Into the Folksonomy Graph: FolkRank Adaptations and Extensions for Improved Tag Recommendations}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.1498}, volume = {1310.1498}, year = 2013 } @article{landia2013deeper, abstract = {The information contained in social tagging systems is often modelled as a graph of connections between users, items and tags. Recommendation algorithms such as FolkRank, have the potential to leverage complex relationships in the data, corresponding to multiple hops in the graph. We present an in-depth analysis and evaluation of graph models for social tagging data and propose novel adaptations and extensions of FolkRank to improve tag recommendations. We highlight implicit assumptions made by the widely used folksonomy model, and propose an alternative and more accurate graph-representation of the data. Our extensions of FolkRank address the new item problem by incorporating content data into the algorithm, and significantly improve prediction results on unpruned datasets. Our adaptations address issues in the iterative weight spreading calculation that potentially hinder FolkRank's ability to leverage the deep graph as an information source. Moreover, we evaluate the benefit of considering each deeper level of the graph, and present important insights regarding the characteristics of social tagging data in general. Our results suggest that the base assumption made by conventional weight propagation methods, that closeness in the graph always implies a positive relationship, does not hold for the social tagging domain.}, author = {Landia, Nikolas and Doerfel, Stephan and Jäschke, Robert and Anand, Sarabjot Singh and Hotho, Andreas and Griffiths, Nathan}, interhash = {e8095b13630452ce3ecbae582f32f4bc}, intrahash = {e585a92994be476480545eb62d741642}, journal = {cs.IR}, title = {Deeper Into the Folksonomy Graph: FolkRank Adaptations and Extensions for Improved Tag Recommendations}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.1498}, volume = {1310.1498}, year = 2013 } @article{landia2013deeper, abstract = {The information contained in social tagging systems is often modelled as a graph of connections between users, items and tags. Recommendation algorithms such as FolkRank, have the potential to leverage complex relationships in the data, corresponding to multiple hops in the graph. We present an in-depth analysis and evaluation of graph models for social tagging data and propose novel adaptations and extensions of FolkRank to improve tag recommendations. We highlight implicit assumptions made by the widely used folksonomy model, and propose an alternative and more accurate graph-representation of the data. Our extensions of FolkRank address the new item problem by incorporating content data into the algorithm, and significantly improve prediction results on unpruned datasets. Our adaptations address issues in the iterative weight spreading calculation that potentially hinder FolkRank's ability to leverage the deep graph as an information source. Moreover, we evaluate the benefit of considering each deeper level of the graph, and present important insights regarding the characteristics of social tagging data in general. Our results suggest that the base assumption made by conventional weight propagation methods, that closeness in the graph always implies a positive relationship, does not hold for the social tagging domain.}, author = {Landia, Nikolas and Doerfel, Stephan and Jäschke, Robert and Anand, Sarabjot Singh and Hotho, Andreas and Griffiths, Nathan}, interhash = {e8095b13630452ce3ecbae582f32f4bc}, intrahash = {e585a92994be476480545eb62d741642}, journal = {cs.IR}, title = {Deeper Into the Folksonomy Graph: FolkRank Adaptations and Extensions for Improved Tag Recommendations}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.1498}, volume = {1310.1498}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{angelova2008characterizing, abstract = {Social networks and collaborative tagging systems are rapidly gaining popularity as a primary means for storing and sharing data among friends, family, colleagues, or perfect strangers as long as they have common interests. del.icio.us is a social network where people store and share their personal bookmarks. Most importantly, users tag their bookmarks for ease of information dissemination and later look up. However, it is the friendship links, that make delicious a social network. They exist independently of the set of bookmarks that belong to the users and have no relation to the tags typically assigned to the bookmarks. To study the interaction among users, the strength of the existing links and their hidden meaning, we introduce implicit links in the network. These links connect only highly "similar" users. Here, similarity can reflect different aspects of the user’s profile that makes her similar to any other user, such as number of shared bookmarks, or similarity of their tags clouds. We investigate the question whether friends have common interests, we gain additional insights on the strategies that users use to assign tags to their bookmarks, and we demonstrate that the graphs formed by implicit links have unique properties differing from binomial random graphs or random graphs with an expected power-law degree distribution. }, author = {Angelova, Ralitsa and Lipczak, Marek and Milios, Evangelos and Prałat, Paweł}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Mining Social Data Workshop (MSoDa)}, interhash = {f74d27a66d2754f3d5892d68c4abee4c}, intrahash = {02d6739886a13180dd92fbb7243ab58b}, month = jul, organization = {ECAI 2008}, pages = {21--25}, title = {Characterizing a social bookmarking and tagging network}, url = {http://www.math.ryerson.ca/~pralat/papers/2008_delicious.pdf}, year = 2008 } @incollection{lorince2015analysis, abstract = {In collaborative tagging systems, it is generally assumed that users assign tags to facilitate retrieval of content at a later time. There is, however, little behavioral evidence that tags actually serve this purpose. Using a large-scale dataset from the social music website Last.fm, we explore how patterns of music tagging and subsequent listening interact to determine if there exist measurable signals of tags functioning as retrieval aids. Specifically, we describe our methods for testing if the assignment of a tag tends to lead to an increase in listening behavior. Results suggest that tagging, on average, leads to only very small increases in listening rates, and overall the data do }, author = {Lorince, Jared and Joseph, Kenneth and Todd, PeterM.}, booktitle = {Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-16268-3_15}, editor = {Agarwal, Nitin and Xu, Kevin and Osgood, Nathaniel}, interhash = {b6f817ca50d1c44886c9ed58facbf592}, intrahash = {1485f6521c6ae2db520d1a7c3c429f07}, isbn = {978-3-319-16267-6}, language = {English}, pages = {141-152}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {Analysis of Music Tagging and Listening Patterns: Do Tags Really Function as Retrieval Aids?}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16268-3_15}, volume = 9021, year = 2015 } @inproceedings{doerfel2013analysis, abstract = {Since the rise of collaborative tagging systems on the web, the tag recommendation task -- suggesting suitable tags to users of such systems while they add resources to their collection -- has been tackled. However, the (offline) evaluation of tag recommendation algorithms usually suffers from difficulties like the sparseness of the data or the cold start problem for new resources or users. Previous studies therefore often used so-called post-cores (specific subsets of the original datasets) for their experiments. In this paper, we conduct a large-scale experiment in which we analyze different tag recommendation algorithms on different cores of three real-world datasets. We show, that a recommender's performance depends on the particular core and explore correlations between performances on different cores.}, acmid = {2507222}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Doerfel, Stephan and Jäschke, Robert}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems}, doi = {10.1145/2507157.2507222}, interhash = {3eaf2beb1cdad39b7c5735a82c3338dd}, intrahash = {aa4b3d79a362d7415aaa77625b590dfa}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2409-0}, location = {Hong Kong, China}, numpages = {4}, pages = {343--346}, publisher = {ACM}, series = {RecSys '13}, title = {An analysis of tag-recommender evaluation procedures}, url = {https://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/pub/pdf/doerfel2013analysis.pdf}, year = 2013 }