@book{dahlberg2006beyond, address = {London [u.a.]}, author = {Dahlberg, Gunilla and Moss, Peter and Pence, Alan}, edition = {Repr.}, format = {book}, interhash = {f85b081041cb0dfac94e85a7fbd24b1b}, intrahash = {46e4f640d2cedd21b48c6786f4395107}, isbn = {0750707690}, locations = {102599467}, primaryauthor = {Dahlberg, Gunilla}, publisher = {RoutledgeFalmer}, shortsubtitle = {: postmodern perspectives}, shorttitle = {Beyond quality in early childhood education and care : postmodern perspectives}, signatures = {25 Päd HM 2026}, subtitle = {postmodern perspectives / Gunilla Dahlberg, Peter Moss and Alan Pence}, title = {Beyond quality in early childhood education and care : postmodern perspectives}, titlestatement = {Gunilla Dahlberg, Peter Moss and Alan Pence}, uniqueid = {HEB135212650}, year = 2006 } @book{Brown.2004, abstract = {A real revolution is taking place in the way in which we conceptualise and practise education and learning. This book sets out to explore the immense impact which digital technology is having on education around the world and the ways in which it is used by a wide range of individuals and communities. Contributors analyse changes in technology such as e-mail, the Internet, digital video and other media, but also the effect of this new technology on the way people live and learn around the world. Cultural changes taking place range from the blurring of boundaries between formal and informal learning to the development of new 'virtual communities' which revolve around particular social or cultural interests, and which serve as a crucial tool and source of identity for spatially displaced communities such as refugees. Digital technology is changing the way we all live, and this book is an authoritative study of these changes in all their diversity. Liesbeth de Block, Institute of Education, University of London, UK Erica C. Boling, Rutgers University, USA Bart Bonamie, Ghent University, Belgium Alain Breuleux, McGill University, Canada}, address = {London, UK}, editor = {Brown, A. and Davis, N.}, interhash = {92adbb969a48a405c72c0b3a0344a107}, intrahash = {6d5eae2492e07fd46f54a68c7e071725}, publisher = {Routledge Falmer}, title = {World Yearbook of Education 2004: Digital Technologies, Communities and Education}, year = 2004 } @misc{BRADATSCH.2002b, address = {Kassel}, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {6705d3fd0c6edcde7179ef1b23f742a1}, intrahash = {2b199cc95339bd0839bc3c218bc79036}, pages = {9-14.}, publisher = {Wissenschaftliches Zentrum f\"ur Berufs- und Hochschulforschung der Universit\"at Kassel}, series = {Werkstattberichte}, title = {''Einf\"uhrung: Die Internationale Frauenuniversit\"at 'Technik und Kultur''' In: Maiworm, Friedhelm und Teichler, Ulrich in Zusammenarbeit mit Annette Fleck: Das Reform-Experiment ifu - Potenziale, Risiken und Ertr\"age aus der Sicht der Beteiligten. .}, volume = 60, year = 2002 } @misc{BRADATSCH.1993, address = {Mannheim}, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane and OEHLER, Christoph}, interhash = {bce9f547611b76cbe3f8fe371df45847}, intrahash = {9fcade3de41078acbcadca7fa844e47e}, publisher = {Brockhaus Verlag}, title = {Stichworte ''Student`` bis „Studentenwerk'': In:~Der gro{\ss}e Brockhaus}, year = 1993 } @article{BRADATSCH.2001, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {21e60416a76fb0748335c30b2edbe555}, intrahash = {1bb66ad546afb929ffbb311aff6c5917}, journal = {Intern Informationen und Meinungen aus der Technischen Universit\"at Darmstadt}, number = 8, pages = 9, title = {„Dekansarbeit kann Spa{\ss} machen``}, volume = 22, year = 2001 } @misc{BRADATSCH.b, address = {Berlin}, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {60d0d4cfd5c4a59d61443dc43b6a85cc}, intrahash = {f1c2d015755cf844d955f3768ff100c6}, pages = {139-243.}, publisher = {Freie Universit\"at Berlin}, title = {''Female Academic Staff in Turkish Higher Education Institutions.'': In:~F\"arber, Christiane und Henninger, Annette (Hg.): Equal Opportunities for Women at European Universities. Frauenf\"orderung an europ\"aischen Universit\"aten'' (in Englisch und Deutsch).}, year = 1995 } @article{BRADATSCH.1995, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {dbc3ab97baa541ddc292b95626cc012b}, intrahash = {e579e8e978f131c0c29b1cfadfa611ec}, journal = {Im Schneckengang. Fraueninfo. Universit\"at Gesamthochschule Kassel}, number = {1/1995}, pages = {4-5.}, title = {''Frauenf\"orderung an den Unis Europas''}, year = 1995 } @article{BRADATSCH.1999, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {23aa7cb4199c82c5855f3426c5f820e9}, intrahash = {269e916371f27a27739f1d04c73d6830}, journal = {Feministische Studien}, number = 1, pages = {106-111}, title = {''Die Internationale Frauenuniversit\"at Technik und Kultur -- die Hochschule f\"ur das n\"achste Jahrtausend?``.}, year = 1999 } @book{NEUSEL.2000d, address = {Opladen}, editor = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a}, interhash = {b35a625ab10b4734eb4c3b1a57f76894}, intrahash = {710f36bf5365ee9319c9f68a885a5de0}, publisher = {Leske + Budrich}, title = {Die eigene Hochschule. Internationale Frauenuniversit\"at „Technik und Kultur``.}, year = 2000 } @misc{NEUSEL.1996, address = {Ankara}, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and BRADATSCH, Christiane and YALCIN, G\"ulsen}, interhash = {f779db15dbb7e2f858ce76358d00bcf7}, intrahash = {991e1fcb251977efe6c9a4e70193866e}, pages = {19-36.}, publisher = {Deutsches Kulturinstitut}, series = {Schriftenreihe des t\"urkisch deutschen Kulturbeirats}, title = {''Das Hochschulsystem als Faktor f\"ur die wissenschaftlichen Karrieren von Frauen - Ein deutsch-t\"urkischer Vergleich'': In: COSKUN, Hasan (Hg.): Akademik Yasamda Kadin - Frauen in der akademischen Welt. Ankara}, volume = 9, year = 1996 } @misc{OEHLER.1998, address = {M\"unchen}, author = {OEHLER, Christoph}, interhash = {f882ced19b082268bd79b11c58edbbc9}, intrahash = {061afd6ddda2cd532320d2703fa53547}, pages = {412-446.}, publisher = {C. H. Beck}, title = {„Die Hochschulen nach 1945.``: In: F\"UHR, Christoph und FURCK, Carl-Ludwig (Hg.): Handbuch der Deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, Bd. IV. 1945 bis zur Gegenwart.}, year = 1998 } @misc{TEICHLER.2003r, address = {Bonn}, author = {TEICHLER, Ulrich and GORDON, Jean and MAIWORM, Friedhelm and BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {e86a099790be44c3336fe00886d4ffbc}, intrahash = {20e6e9febf5dc4d7196b784a18a8f088}, publisher = {Bundesinstitut f\"ur Berufsbildung}, title = {Das SOKRATES-Programm. Erfahrungen der ersten f\"unf Jahre}, year = 2003 } @article{NEUSEL.1995i, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and BRADATSCH, Christiane and K\"OKER, Eser and YALCIN, G\"ulsen}, interhash = {5a4026e77fb6054aeb7295c32bca5244}, intrahash = {3332e3b61114b0b022582fa3cd380510}, journal = {Deutsche Universit\"atszeitung}, number = 14, pages = {22-23.}, title = {''\"Uber Nacht errichtete Siedlungen''}, year = 1995 } @article{NEUSEL.1995e, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and BRADATSCH, Christiane and K\"OKER, Eser and YALCIN, G\"ulsen}, interhash = {b6d69c6af87da4a7c810d6752f7a7954}, intrahash = {4746285141e58385170a7d207abd17de}, journal = {Deutsche Universit\"atszeitung}, number = {15/16}, pages = {30-31.}, title = {''Der Flaschenhals des Systems''}, year = 1995 } @book{NEUSEL.2000c, address = {Opladen}, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and BRADATSCH, Christiane}, interhash = {e9fec08baa1e01fc9688b504f71da1cf}, intrahash = {5a24097ebf314bc4dd57c3e5cc92c805}, isbn = {3810027308}, price = {DM 29.80, sfr 27.50, S 218.00}, publisher = {Leske + Budrich}, series = {Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Frauenuniversit\"at ''Technik und Kultur''}, title = {Die eigene Hochschule: Internationale Frauenuniversit\"at ''Technik und Kultur''}, volume = 1, year = 2000 } @incollection{BRADATSCH., address = {Kassel}, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane and NEUSEL, Ayl\^a}, booktitle = {Vergleichende Hochschulforschung. Eine Zwischenbilanz}, editor = {KEHM, M. Barbara and TEICHLER, Ulrich}, interhash = {4d16c6472d14d467ca0bef54b46d51fe}, intrahash = {a930e370f1239d7c2892744ff23d7828}, pages = {117-136.}, publisher = {Wissenschaftliches Zentrum f\"ur Berufs- und Hochschulforschung an der Universit\"at Gesamthochschule Kassel}, series = {Werkstattberichte}, title = {''Wissenschaftliche Karrieren von Frauen an t\"urkischen Universit\"aten''}, volume = 50, year = 1996 } @incollection{BRADATSCH.2002, address = {Opladen}, author = {BRADATSCH, Christiane}, booktitle = {Universit\"at neu denken: Die Internationale Frauenuniversit\"at ''Technik und Kultur''}, editor = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and POPPENHUSEN, Margret}, interhash = {4fc1ff190561bd0ae0cf6fd9b1832858}, intrahash = {0c0d6b47ef50ac7c037b968cc5c25e43}, isbn = {3810034436}, pages = {181-194}, publisher = {Leske + Budrich}, series = {Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Frauenuniversit\"at ''Technik und Kultur''}, title = {„Studienbegleitung statt Studierendenverwaltung. Pilotprojekt Service Center``}, volume = 8, year = 2002 } @incollection{NEUSEL.2000b, address = {Opladen}, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and BRADATSCH, Christiane and KREUTZNER, Gabriele}, booktitle = {Die eigene Hochschule. Internationale Frauenuniversit\"at „Technik und Kultur``.}, editor = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a}, interhash = {41084c2790b0eaaf82e0f0041c9ffef3}, intrahash = {c9c2949fe088d379debbfa080b7a31dd}, pages = {11-22}, publisher = {Leske + Budrich}, title = {„Einleitung``}, year = 2000 } @article{NEUSEL.2006, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and YALCIN, G\"ulşan and RITTGEROTT, Christiane}, interhash = {29df0dc634d111f8df925fe5ba99485a}, intrahash = {1d71aca76fd4fb315afc09cbd1088ded}, journal = {Das Hochschulwesen}, number = 5, pages = {154-162}, title = {``Die t\"urkischen Universit\"aten auf dem Weg nach Europa``}, volume = 54, year = 2006 } @incollection{NEUSEL.2008, address = {Frankfurt a. M. und New York}, author = {NEUSEL, Ayl\^a and RITTGEROTT, Christiane}, booktitle = {Hochschule im Wandel. Die Universit\"at als Forschungsgegenstand.: Festschrift f\"ur Ulrich Teichler}, editor = {KEHM, M. Barbara}, interhash = {a878229696cde84f6450cd45ade64fb1}, intrahash = {f43c27fb0a44cfcc9d1927e28d24f640}, pages = {349-364}, publisher = {Campus}, title = {''Inklusion, Expansion und strukturelle Differenzierung am Beispiel des Hochschulsystems der T\"urkei''}, year = 2008 }