@book{Rossbach.2001, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Rossbach, Gerhard}, edition = {1. Aufl.}, institution = {Deutscher Internet-Kongress}, interhash = {c151eb20b081f0454a89ef00f22d0aef}, intrahash = {ab1248487b29df2d3aa6e2f6a16c49ae}, isbn = {3898641430}, price = {DM 89.00, EUR 47.00 (ab 1.1.2002)}, publisher = {dpunkt-Verl.}, title = {Mobile Internet}, url = {http://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/334299756.pdf}, year = 2001 } @book{Geer.2001, address = {Landsberg/Lech}, author = {Geer, Ralf and Gross, Roland}, interhash = {ddb459f1330064904153cfa6ce54bbfe}, intrahash = {988e07bdc8b2ab3aa14e59b6805c20ed}, isbn = {3478249104}, price = {DM 79.00, sfr 69.90, S 577.00}, publisher = {Verl. Moderne Industrie}, series = {E-business}, title = {M-Commerce: Geschäftsmodelle für das mobile Internet}, year = 2001 } @book{Steimer.2001, address = {MünchenAddison-Wesley}, author = {Steimer, Fritz L. and Maier, Iris and Spinner, Mike}, interhash = {6a13dcb2cc2443f69d823e891657ae3d}, intrahash = {a3ca9d4be46243c0708e22f654093b01}, isbn = {3827317452}, series = {Business & Computing}, title = {mCommerce: Einsatz und Anwendung von portablen Geräten für mobilen eCommerce}, year = 2001 } @book{Zobel.2001, address = {München}, author = {Zobel, Jörg}, interhash = {5d30bc83fb510c0475fec036fe7f31a3}, intrahash = {15c68c984d2f2efb8256787a5d7864fc}, isbn = {3446216189}, publisher = {Hanser}, title = {Mobile Business und M-Commerce: Die Märkte der Zukunft erobern}, year = 2001 } @book{Link.2003, address = {Berlin}, author = {Link, Jörg}, interhash = {409c1e189b54fd5d0f8aa04c8cf165f5}, intrahash = {b290c5380d70422f394b3897ee45dc0a}, isbn = {3540000240}, price = {Euro 39.95}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Mobile Commerce: Gewinnpotenziale einer stillen Revolution ; mit 13 Tabellen}, url = {http://www.gbv.de/dms/bsz/toc/bsz102394415inh.pdf}, year = 2003 } @book{Nicolai.2001, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Nicolai, Alexander T.}, interhash = {4e2a3858baf4116adc2651fdfc770109}, intrahash = {92877f281ead78616821071724ea3007}, isbn = {3791019317}, price = {ca. DM 99.90, sfr 88.00, S 729.00}, publisher = {Schäffer-Poeschel}, series = {Handelsblatt-Bücher}, title = {Strategien im M-Commerce: Grundlagen, Management, Geschäftsmodelle}, year = 2001 }