@article{GBEFFGHHKMPPRS08, author = {Geihs, Kurt and Barone, Paolo and Eliassen, Frank and Floch, Jacqueline and Fricke, Rolf and Gjørven, Eli and Hallsteinsen, S. and Horn, Geir and Khan, Mohammad Ullah and Mamelli, Alessandro and Papadopoulos, George A. and Paspallis, Nearchos and Reichle, Roland and Stav, Erlend}, interhash = {0a085ce9f79422993887757a9ad05b5e}, intrahash = {71ab670e65cd802feb3806d4416cdbea}, journal = {Software Practice \& Experience}, note = {accepted for publication}, title = {A Comprehensive Solution for Application-Level Adaptation}, url = {http://www.vs.uni-kassel.de/publications/2008/GBEFFGHHKMPPRS08}, year = 2008 }