@inproceedings{steinbach00, author = {Steinbach, M. and Karypis, G. and Kumar, V.}, booktitle = {KDD Workshop on Text Mining}, interhash = {3340fbf75ada2ccb45a50dd5832f5f07}, intrahash = {9accd097b2a700500cc79104043db1b1}, title = {A Comparison of Document Clustering Techniques}, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{karypishan00cikm, address = {New York, US}, author = {Karypis, G. and Han, E.}, booktitle = {Proc. of 9th {ACM} International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, {CIKM}-00}, interhash = {910da7b5fa733fed4f17fc9587ea261f}, intrahash = {5d5a8f63b632fe3f3e5d96554618678a}, pages = {12--19}, publisher = {ACM Press}, title = {Fast Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm with Applications to Document Categorization and Retrieval}, year = 2000 } @inproceedings{steinbach00comparison, author = {Steinbach, M. and Karypis, G. and Kumar, V.}, booktitle = {KDD Workshop on Text Mining}, interhash = {3340fbf75ada2ccb45a50dd5832f5f07}, intrahash = {10e5c1e3ff54d9dce505a231f8ae7b32}, title = {A comparison of document clustering techniques}, url = {http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/steinbach00comparison.html}, year = 2000 } @article{rashid2005irb, author = {Rashid, A. M. and Karypis, G. and Riedl, J.}, interhash = {9fcc40d7537a7d10df92a3e2effb8f69}, intrahash = {65e6a92489e5190ca5129532d2d138fd}, journal = {Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining}, title = {{Influence in ratings-based recommender systems: An algorithm-independent approach}}, url = {http://www.grouplens.org/papers/pdf/RashidAl_siam05.pdf}, year = 2005 } @article{karypis1997mhp, author = {Karypis, G. and Aggarwal, R. and Kumar, V. and Shekhar, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th annual conference on Design automation}, interhash = {77aa28416ddb1c22834224cf0b09c74e}, intrahash = {bdfb6003e7a8786b0a5649bb250c0a77}, organization = {ACM New York, NY, USA}, pages = {526--529}, title = {{Multilevel hypergraph partitioning: Application in VLSI domain}}, year = 1997 } @article{sarwar2001ibc, author = {Sarwar, B. and Karypis, G. and Konstan, J. and Reidl, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web}, interhash = {31b11447b67a56a888add362f538cc0e}, intrahash = {73415f51d7f55aea743431310a0473e9}, organization = {ACM Press New York, NY, USA}, pages = {285--295}, title = {{Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms}}, year = 2001 }