@article{cattuto2007networkb, author = {Cattuto, Ciro and Schmitz, Christoph and Baldassarri, Andrea and Servedio, Vito D. P. and Loreto, Vittorio and Hotho, Andreas and Grahl, Miranda and Stumme, Gerd}, editor = {Hoche, Susanne and Nürnberger, Andreas and Flach, Jürgen}, interhash = {fc5f2df61d28bc99b7e15029da125588}, intrahash = {da6c676c5664017247c7564fc247b190}, issn = {0921-7126}, journal = {AI Communications Journal, Special Issue on ``Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering''}, number = 4, pages = {245-262}, publisher = {IOS Press}, title = {Network Properties of Folksonomies}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2007/cattuto2007network.pdf}, vgwort = {67}, volume = 20, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{schmitz07network, address = {Banff}, author = {Schmitz, Christoph and Grahl, Miranda and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd and Catutto, Ciro and Baldassarri, Andrea and Loreto, Vittorio and Servedio, Vito D. P.}, booktitle = {Proc. WWW2007 Workshop ``Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization''}, day = 8, interhash = {20bd468c1c9b71206ac6f8b67ed676d6}, intrahash = {23a0a0cd67ab0014e0346527e986caeb}, month = may, title = {Network Properties of Folksonomies}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2007/schmitz07network.pdf}, year = 2007 } @article{cattuto2007networkb, author = {Cattuto, Ciro and Schmitz, Christoph and Baldassarri, Andrea and Servedio, Vito D. P. and Loreto, Vittorio and Hotho, Andreas and Grahl, Miranda and Stumme, Gerd}, editor = {Hoche, Susanne and Nürnberger, Andreas and Flach, Jürgen}, interhash = {fc5f2df61d28bc99b7e15029da125588}, intrahash = {da6c676c5664017247c7564fc247b190}, issn = {0921-7126}, journal = {AI Communications Journal, Special Issue on ``Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering''}, number = 4, pages = {245-262}, publisher = {IOS Press}, title = {Network Properties of Folksonomies}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2007/cattuto2007network.pdf}, vgwort = {67}, volume = 20, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{schmitz07network, address = {Banff}, author = {Schmitz, Christoph and Grahl, Miranda and Hotho, Andreas and Stumme, Gerd and Catutto, Ciro and Baldassarri, Andrea and Loreto, Vittorio and Servedio, Vito D. P.}, booktitle = {Proc. WWW2007 Workshop ``Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization''}, day = 8, interhash = {20bd468c1c9b71206ac6f8b67ed676d6}, intrahash = {23a0a0cd67ab0014e0346527e986caeb}, month = may, title = {Network Properties of Folksonomies}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2007/schmitz07network.pdf}, year = 2007 } @article{cattuto2007network, author = {Cattuto, Ciro and Schmitz, Christoph and Baldassarri, Andrea and Servedio, Vito D. P. and Loreto, Vittorio and Hotho, Andreas and Grahl, Miranda and Stumme, Gerd}, editor = {Hoche, Susanne and Nürnberger, Andreas and Flach, Jürgen}, interhash = {fc5f2df61d28bc99b7e15029da125588}, intrahash = {da6c676c5664017247c7564fc247b190}, issn = {0921-7126}, journal = {AI Communications Journal, Special Issue on ``Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering''}, number = 4, pages = {245-262}, publisher = {IOS Press}, title = {Network Properties of Folksonomies}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/stumme/papers/2007/cattuto2007network.pdf}, vgwort = {67}, volume = 20, year = 2007 }