
Steffen Bleul, Kurt Geihs, Diana Comes, und Marc Kirchhoff. Automated Integration of Web Services in BPEL4WS Processes. 16. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, KiVS 2009, Kassel, VDE, Kassel, Germany, März 2009. [PUMA: itegpub myown] URL

Steffen Bleul, Diana Comes, Marc Kirchhoff, und Michael Zapf. Self-Integration of Web Services in BPEL Processes. 2008. [PUMA: itegpub myown] URL

Yiwei Cao, Karsten Ehms, Sebastian Fiedler, Margit Hofer, Anna-Kaarina Kaiamo, Barbara Kieslinger, Ralf Klamma, Beate Krause, Milos Kravcik, Tommi Ryyppö, Marc Spaniol, Gerd Stumme, und Fridolin Wild. Case study on social software use in distributed working environments. 2007. [PUMA: 2007 itegpub case software social study myown bibsonomy] URL

Yiwei Cao, Karsten Ehms, Sebastian Fiedler, Margit Hofer, Anna-Kaarina Kaiamo, Barbara Kieslinger, Ralf Klamma, Beate Krause, Milos Kravcik, Tommi Ryyppö, Marc Spaniol, Gerd Stumme, und Fridolin Wild. Case study on social software use in distributed working environments. 2007. [PUMA: 2007 itegpub case software social study myown bibsonomy] URL