
M. Söllner, A. Hoffmann, H. Hoffmann, und J. M. Leimeister. Towards a Theory of Explanation and Prediction for the Formation of Trust in IT Artifacts. 10. Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, 10:1-6, Shanghai, China, 2011. [PUMA: pub_hho itegpub pub_msö Trust_in_IT_artifacts pub_jml pub_aho Laboratory_experiment myown Theory_of_explanation_and_prediction Trust] URL

M. Söllner, A. Hoffmann, H. Hoffmann, und J. M. Leimeister. Towards a Theory of Explanation and Prediction for the Formation of Trust in IT Artifacts. 10. Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, 10:1-6, Shanghai, China, 2011. [PUMA: pub_hho itegpub pub_msö Trust_in_IT_artifacts pub_jml pub_aho Laboratory_experiment Theory_of_explanation_and_prediction Trust] URL