@Book{Memo916001, author = {mit Beitr. von Hans Belting ... Kunstmuseum Basel. [Hrsg.: Bernhard Mendes Bürgi ...]}, title = { Max Beckmann, die Landschaften, [anlässlich der Ausstellung "Max Beckmann. Die Landschaften", Kunstmuseum Basel, 4.9.2011 - 22.1.2012] }, year = { 2011 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Electronic{schumann2011grundzge, author = {Schumann, Jochen and Ströbele, Wolfgang and Meyer, Ulrich}, title = {Grundzüge der mikroökonomischen Theorie}, year = {2011}, number = {}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21225-3}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo331362, author = {Laue, Hendrik Matthias}, title = { Gefühlte Landschaftsarchitektur, Möglichkeiten der thermischen Einflussnahme in städtischen Freiräumen }, year = { 2009 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo667580, author = {hrsg. von Florence Pennone ...}, title = { Literarische Landschaftsbilder }, year = { 2008 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo395551, author = {hrsg. von Jürgen Krusche}, title = { Der Raum der Stadt, Raumtheorien zwischen Architektur, Soziologie, Kunst und Philosophie in Japan und im Westen }, year = { 2008 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo561837, author = {von Seggern ... (Hg.). [Übers.: Rachel Hill ...], Studio Urbane Landschaften. Hille}, title = { Creating knowledge, Innovationsstrategien im Entwerfen urbaner Landschaften }, year = { 2008 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo311687, author = {in cooperation with ZV Zentralvereinigung der Architekten Österreichs. [Authors Stig L. Anderson... Ed.: Maria Auböck], Edition Topos}, title = { GROW!, aktuelle Tendenzen in Architektur und Landschaft - current tendencies in architecture and landscape; [Das Symposium GROW! fand vom 31. März bis 2. April 2006 in Wien statt] }, year = { 2007 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Inproceedings{jaeschke2006trias, author = {Jäschke, Robert and Hotho, Andreas and Schmitz, Christoph and Ganter, Bernhard and Stumme, Gerd}, title = {TRIAS - An Algorithm for Mining Iceberg Tri-Lattices}, year = {2006}, number = {}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/jaeschke/paper/jaeschke06trias.pdf}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDM.2006.162}, const = {\ text} } @Inproceedings{jaeschke2006trias, author = {Jäschke, Robert and Hotho, Andreas and Schmitz, Christoph and Ganter, Bernhard and Stumme, Gerd}, title = {TRIAS - An Algorithm for Mining Iceberg Tri-Lattices}, year = {2006}, number = {}, url = {http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/pub/pdf/jaeschke2006trias.pdf}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDM.2006.162}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo635415, author = {Pütz, Gabriele}, title = { Schönheit - Sinn ohne Verstand, zur Bedeutung des Ästhetischen in der Landschaftsarchitektur ; eine Kritik aktueller Diskussionen über Freiraumgestaltung }, year = { 1995 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} } @Book{Memo741583, author = {ed. by Trevor J. Barnes}, title = { Writing worlds, discourse, text and metaphor in the representation of landscape }, year = { 1992 }, number = {}, url = {}, const = {\ text} }